I Don’t Trust That Easily

As I grew older I became very careful about who I put in my circle/space. I'm not that trusting after all. People have disappointed me before. There are people I've...

Changing The Way You Think

I have a fascination with people who think differently - people who swim against the current and see blue when everybody else sees yellow. Recently, I had the privilege...

Leave Everything To God

In the Bible, the Book of John 16:33, Jesus says, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will...

Can We Forgive Dylann Roof?

“I forgive you,” said the daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance to the 21-year-old man (Dylann Roof) who allegedly murdered her mother in church and appeared at an emotionally charged...


Ever find yourself wanting something you know you just can’t have? Like those pair of R2000 shoes you eyed out the other day in the mall. If you’re anything...

Do Politics And Religion Mix?

Growing up in the church system as I did, it wasn't unusual to hear preachers describe certain types of 'career choices' as dirty. Apart from the obvious ones like...

Hello God, Are You There?

Growing up, I used to ask my mom if God can really hear my prayers when I pray. Her answer was always YES. As I grew older I started to...

You Aren’t Perfect

The word 'perfect' is defined by the dictionary to mean 'having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be'. It also...

How Do I Stop Myself From Worrying?

Imagine this scenario, if you will: It's the middle of the month and you've run out of money. You don't earn much anyway and you just heard on the...

Be Content

Every day I read devotionals in the mornings and evenings. I got to read this one particular devotional by Joyce Meyer. She talks about being content with what who you...

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