Ever find yourself wanting something you know you just can’t have? Like those pair of R2000 shoes you eyed out the other day in the mall. If you’re anything like me, you would do whatever you could to have them. You’d negotiate with your mom and tell her that although you’re 20 something years old, she is still your mom and needs to spoil you. (That has only ever worked twice). You’d go to your online banking to check how much money is in your account, hoping there may have been a miracle in the space of a few seconds whilst logging in. You’d even consider opening up a credit card or an account! Now that may seem extreme, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right?
I’ve recently been in a season of “waiting”. I’ve wanted certain things in life but know that it is something I can’t have right now. Why? Not because it’s not good for me, just that it’s not good for me right now. So many times I have found myself in a season of waiting and cursed it because I didn’t recognise it for what it was; a season of stretching. And when we don’t recognise the season, we seem to go through it much longer than necessary. You see, waiting does not diminish us, it enlarges us.
When contemplating life, and the meaning thereof, I looked up the definition of the word WAIT. One particular definition caught my eye.
To wait means: to remain in readiness for a specific purpose.
Full stop. That’s enough to chew on right?!
Now I’ve learned the hard way in life that you can’t have what you always want now. Why is it us human beings have a “Now or Never” mentality!? Sometimes, you’re not ready for it and therefore you need to patiently wait for it. You can’t buy those pair of shoes now with money you don’t have. Because maybe, just maybe you need to learn how to save money first, or pay your bills first before buying those shoes. Or just learn that there are far more important things in this world than to have those gorgeous pair of shoes – like perspective.
I’ve really learned over the past two years in Bible college that it’s important to OWN perspective. This means to see the things that are preparing you NOW for the things that AWAIT you. And if ‘to wait’ means to remain in readiness for a purpose, well then I am surely going to remain ready for the things I want in life. I’ve never wanted an ordinary mediocre life. I want an extraordinary marriage. I want an extraordinary life. I want to be an extraordinary leader and writer. So what am I doing about it now? Well…now I’m working on my cooking skills so my husband will be well pleased one day (hahahaha, Lord help us). I am writing and reading more so I can be an inspiring blogger one day. I went to Hillsong Leadership College in Sydney to learn more about Jesus, ministry and leading in all spheres of my life. I lived with six other girls (yes, SIX) so that when my time comes to get married or dealing with others, I’ll understand what it means to be patient and kind and selfless. Haha! I am waking up earlier to spend time in the Word – the Bible – so that I may be filled with life, and constantly be purified by His truth. I will not have sex before marriage because my husband is worth waiting for. You see a sacred commitment means a sacred sacrifice. These are the things I am preparing for whilst in the waiting. What are you waiting for? What makes you ready?
There is something attractive about someone who remains ready for their God-given purpose (even when they don’t know what it is). A few things I’ve learned about “in the waiting” are:
- Remain Content: To be content in every season, is a heart stance that brings peace, because you trust and know that God has gone before you and if He has brought you to this point, He will take you through this point. Your state of happiness and joy is not determined by the seasons. It’s determined by He who leads you through the seasons.
- Remain Quiet: It’s normally in these times that we complain and react because we can’t see what’s ahead or we have waited too long. But it’s in these times we actually just need to shut our pie holes and be still, listen more and remain undisturbed by everything around you.
- Remain Sure: Because He who promises is faithful. Always. He is a God of surety and certainty. So too are you, His child, who can be sure and certain.
- Remain Expectant: Don’t give up. Keep pressing on. Keep speaking life. Keep dreaming. Seasons come and go. But you can be sure that God will exceed your expectations. Why? Because He says so. Ephesians 3:20. Remain expectant.
Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we’re waiting for – Charles Stanley
Whatever you’re waiting for, it’s worth it.
If you’re unfamiliar with referring to God in times of figuring things like this out, why not click on the pop-up or banner below and find out exactly how to start this journey.
Author: Bonita Mattison
Twitter: @bonitam
Instagram: @bonitam