In the stillness

Just the very thought of pressing pause on life for a moment in order to breathe and to be still can make us feel anxious. We have become so...

You can’t please everyone

We can't please everyone, as much as we would like to. People may feel disappointed or even offended by us from time to time when we did not even...

Don’t rush it

Do you ever find yourself eagerly trying to rush through meetings, rush through work, rush to finish projects off, rush to eat your food, rush to fix things, or...

More than words

Our words have the power to influence, inspire, and encourage others. Not only do our words hold power, but our actions and how we choose to live out our...

The power of resting

If you're like me, the word "rest" may seem a bit foreign to you. I struggle with this word. I struggle to say it with a sense of ease, as...

Who do you run to?

Who do you run to when you feel afraid; when you feel hopeless; when you feel uncertain; when you feel lost; when you feel defeated? Who do you go to...

Diamond in the making

Just like a tea bag; you never know how strong you are until you're in hot water.  I don't know about you, but I like my tea quite strong. I...

In pursuit of God-given vision

Life gets a bit tricky sometimes, doesn't it? Those unexpected curve balls that are unavoidable; those ridiculous, demanding deadlines; the unexpected and unplanned... all these things can throw us off...

The power of reaching out

I have been reminded recently about the power of staying in community with others, especially during a trying season. Our son has been ill, and was in hospital for...

I am…

I have a not-so-secret obsession with quotes. I believe quotes have the power to speak into our season in a way that encourages and inspires us. Have you ever stumbled...

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