Saturday, May 18, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

You Are Not Beyond Repair

You’re driving in your car when suddenly you hear a strange sound coming from the engine. You lose power, pull over and call for help.  That’s when you realize, something is horribly wrong and you need to have your car repaired by a mechanic.  After inspecting the engine the mechanic tells you that your engine is not beyond repair, but the incident could have been avoided if you’d brought the car in for its regular service instead of pushing it to the limits and allowing it to become vulnerable and susceptible to damage.  When the oil runs dry, the engine tends to seize up.

When it comes to life, we’re the same.  We plod along going about our daily lives, sometimes totally unaware that we’re due for an ‘oil change’ or a service.  You see, we have become such great masters at hiding the hurt, not dealing with things as they happen.  We suppress negative feelings and shy away from difficult situations.  If you drive a car which informs you of an oil change, perhaps a message appears in your dash display; sometimes you’ll even hear a beeping sound…

Well, be honest for a moment, you often hear that ‘beeping sound’ in your heart, that alarm sounding loudly, warning you that it’s time to talk, it’s time to rid yourself of this burden.  Yes, it’s easier to ignore the difficulties we endure and it’s far easier to not deal with life.  Take my advice, it never ends well.  You will always feel this way unless you decide to take action.

Perhaps you’re feeling really broken and all seized up like that car engine.  Remember, you are not beyond repair.  God has an amazing way of restoring you and bringing healing to your broken heart.

Why not get in touch with us and allow us to help you on your journey of healing.  Click on the banner below and make contact with us, because we care about your well-being!

Insurance Options


Finding the right insurance options for your needs is very important.  Insurance, by the way, is important!  It seems we place very little value on ourselves, our loved ones and our belongings, when it comes to insurance.  But should something go wrong and happen to them, what do we do?

Here’s a brief breakdown of the 6 main insurance areas we can potentially be insured for.

Auto: If you own a vehicle, you should definitely consider insuring it. Should you be involved in an accident, your mode of transport stolen or if someone broke into your vehicle and stole your belongings, it would give you great piece of mind to know you were covered. There are various kinds of auto insurance, so make sure that you choose the package that suits your lifestyle and your pocket.

Home: Your clothes, electronic devices, and anything else that you can remove from your house which has the potential of burning up in a fire or being stolen by a thug needs insuring.  Household insurance is not expensive, most can afford it.  The key is to ensure that you are covered correctly.  If the total value of all your possessions in your house totals $10 000 and you’re only covered for half that amount, you will be very sorry should a calamity befall you and you lose everything.

Health: This kind of insurance provides for the payments of benefits as a result of sickness or injury. This includes insurance for losses from accidents, medical expenses, disability or accidental death and dismemberment.  This differs from medial aid, the two should not be confused.

Accident: If you’re a tradesman or work with your hands; or perhaps you work in a factory, then you should definitely consider this kind of insurance which covers bodily injury or death because of accident.

Casualty: This kind of insurance is often equated to liability insurance. It’s not directly concerned with life insurance, health insurance or property insurance. It’s mainly liability coverage of an individual or organization for negligent acts or omissions.

Life: If you were to pass away, your loved one would obviously not receive your monthly salary anymore to contribute towards the living expenses.  Life insurance pays out an amount which would assist the named beneficiary (usually a wife or husband) in paying off the car or the house, usually large amounts which take a large chunk of money out of your monthly income. 

Here is an info-graphic to put it all into perspective:

6 Basic Insurance Solutions

There are many insurance options out there, and so many companies to choose from.  Do your research, obtain many quotes (don’t be afraid to barter), and make sure you’re covered for the correct amount.

Carrying Dead Weight

There is nothing worse than carrying a heavy load.  Consider a car overloaded with goods, transporting far more weight than it should.  Have you seen how the boot (or trunk) sags all the way to the ground, it looks weird, but imagine the damage it’s causing to your car.  It was never designed to carry the load, yet you’re abusing it.  This reminds me of the saying: “The last piece of straw that broke the camels back.”

You and I were not created to entertain habits of stress!  Stress will cause all kinds of medical complications for our bodies – this has been proven, medically!  Our problem is that we’re too busy carrying dead weight.  It causes us to loose sight of what’s really important and involuntarily causes us to become so focused and consumed by the mountains in our lives.

It’s time we, shake it off  and free ourselves of the dead weight that we carry.  Imagine carrying a 5kg bag on your back.  It might not seem like an extravagant weight, but trust me, after an hour, you’ll feel it.  This is what we do.  We have all these little weights that we carry around with us.  The problem is, they pile up and cause us great strain.

The best solution I have for all or us who are carrying dead weight – let it go!  It might even help you to break out in song and sing “Let it go, let it go”…

But seriously, life is too short for us to be bound by our negative circumstances and troubles.  Let’s deal with them, find solutions to them, and begin living as free people, who are not bound by these things.

If you are heavy laden and feel weighed down, please click the banner below and get in touch with us, we’d love to help you in giving you advice on how to truly live a free life.

I Love Food


We all have different interests and hobbies, yes there might be similarities to the things that we’re drawn to, but on other levels we differ vastly.  Some people really enjoy shopping, while others absolutely despise it.  Some enjoy gardening, others enjoy art and being creative; still others enjoy playing sport or reading a book.

While there are so many different interests that we have, so many different things that bring us cheer joy and pleasure; one things most of us can agree on is FOOD!!!  I LOVE FOOD!  I don’t think there is anyone on this planet who does not enjoy eating good food.  There is something magical that happens when you eat a meal you really enjoy.  The explosion of flavours in your mouth!  The freshness and crunchiness of the veggies, the soft and tender texture of that perfectly grilled steak, the genius texture of that well-cooked pap (maize meal).  The list goes on and the menu might look different to you, obviously influenced by your culture and your cuisine style.

Bottom line, food feels good and makes us so happy.  The best time to talk to someone about a serious matter or just to chat in general, is around the lunch or dinner table. People are at their happiest when eating and also most relaxed.  It’s often said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”  A truer statement couldn’t possibly exist.

The danger with food is that the feel good aspect can be like a drug and you can actually get “hooked” on food and end up with eating disorders, just to feel good.

While food is a great conversation starter or ice breaker, remember to use it wisely, don’t overindulge.  Rather consume portions suited to your body’s actual needs, not according to the eyes of your stomach.

There is so much talk about what food groups are healthy, what food to avoid, eat according to your blood type.  It all gets a bit confusing.

Here is a short list of foods to include in your diet – they are vital to your body’s functionality:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Protein
  • Legumes
  • Dairy

Obviously this is a brief list of suggested foods to include in your diet.  You need to decide on the quantities and ratios of the various food groups according to your Body Mass Index as this takes into account your weight, height, your level of fitness and amount of exercise you engage in on a daily basis.  You also need to be aware that certain food groups might not do your body well, especially if you have an intolerance or allergies towards them.

Now go on, take a bite of that beautiful red apple and crunch away!!

I Don’t Trust You

Trust.  Imagine for a moment that typical Hollywood movie trailer voice, forward selling the following:

“Trust.  One word, great responsibility” *huge sound effects of glass shattering and explosions*  BOOM!!

There are few words which carry great weight, this is one of them…  One word, which carries so much responsibility, for some, a weight too heavy to bear.

Have you ever heard it said, or perhaps you’ve said it to someone else, “you broke my trust”, or “I don’t trust you anymore!”  Trust is weird!  It takes so much time before you fully trust someone, before you fully allow them in, and then in the blink of an eye, someone can break that trust and all that time is wasted, it all ends so abruptly.

The breaking of trust can cause relationships to be destroyed, hearts broken and ultimately leaves you in a state of devastation and loneliness.

We all have the need, the desire, almost an urge to divulge secrets or confide in someone.  It’s not just a desire, but an actual prerequisite to being human!

You’re possibly going through a tough time and you’re keeping it all bottled up, deep inside.  What do you think will happen to all that pressure?  It will eventually explode.

Here is a short video with some of my thoughts about trust.

In spite of all the betrayal and hurt we see around us, it is possible to find a relationship in which you can place your trust completely. We want you to experience such a relationship for yourself by getting to know a loving God. If you’d like to know more and can relate, please click the banner below and get in touch with us after the video. We’d love to hear from you.



Superheroes are everywhere you look.  They’re all over TV, cinema, comic books, children’s bedding, and you name it.  It seems that since time began we have been fixated on this idea that if man was superhuman, what would they look like, what abilities would they possess?  

I myself am a fan of the superman and spider-man movies (to name but a few).  The thought that a man could fly just by putting his fist in the air, or a man who could shoot strong spider webs from his wrists and have super-fast abilities, seems so far-fetched, but just imagine!!  Now when it comes to superheroes, we don’t really care that it’s impossible or far-fetched, as long as their doing awesome stuff and have really cool abilities, we’re down with it!

No matter what superhero character you prefer, most humans by their very nature take on a “Superman” approach to life.  Now, I’m not talking about the desire to fly, or shoot fire from your eyes, I’m talking about taking on more than you can.  If you’re more of an independent person, you’ll know exactly what I mean.  We don’t like to admit to it, but we typically want to do everything, on our own, and while you’re at it, you’ll take on parts of someone else’s tasks because they’re not managing.

What’s wrong with us?!  You know, there are only 24 hours in a day, and only so many resources at your disposal… and don’t forget to breathe!!  It’s noble to want to help and assist others, it’s also very noble to want to do all the work, but reality check – you simply can’t maintain that kind of behaviour.  You will tire yourself out and you’ll end up despising the task at hand.

My encouragement to you if you’re guilty of adopting a “superman” mentality…

  1. Plan well:  Take on your fair share of the work and allow yourself reasonable time (within the deadline allocated).
  2. Delegate:  Share the load with others – you are not superman, you physically cannot sustain such demand.

Ultimately, you should not be afraid to allow others’ input, advice or even their ability to share the load.  Similarly, there are times we, in our own strength attempt to solve the world’s problems and be everything to everyone; we simply can’t any longer.

If you have adopted a “superman” mentality and approach to life and find that you are struggling to keep your head above water, why not allow us to help you in solving this problem.  Click the banner below and talk to someone who cares, we really do care!!

Man’s Best Friend


Dogs, commonly referred to as “Man’s best friend” are often highly intelligent.  I enjoy the occasional encounter with the K9 family, especially when they are well trained. I find their tricks and levels of discipline to be quite an achievement and I salute any dog owner who takes time to train their pet well!  This short clip we found will bring a huge smile to your face as this dog owner uses a unique naming method for feeding times.  Click and enjoy!!




Where Is God

Where is God?!  This question gets asked more times than I could even imagine.  Where is God in the tough times?  Where is He when the world is in chaos, when people destroy one another, when my own life seems to be falling to pieces?

I remember going through a very difficult time last year, it felt like I was slipping into a form of depression and it affected a few areas of my life.  It was difficult and was so hard to see the light of day; and most of all, it challenged my trust in God.  Where was He in all of this chaos?

The process was very tough and it took its toll on me, but God was faithful, He was with me, and He taught me so much during the process.

What if my life is good and things are working out for me?  When things go well with me, do I have the right to say: “God is with me, and God is good to me?”  It’s so easy to declare that God is good and faithful, amazing and always knows best, in the good times, the easy times.  What about the real hardships, those ‘desert moments’ where I am forced to endure?  Is God still with me, is He still faithful, even in those dark and difficult moments?

Perhaps your life seems dark and hardships are all around.

If you are in need of some advice, comfort or just need someone to talk to about God’s apparent absence in your life, please click on the banner below and make contact with us.

Internet Security

When it comes to internet security, most of us are not as internet savvy as we should be.  When it comes to cyber-crimes, phisher-men are always on the lookout for “non-expecting” users who might fall prey to their tricks and tactics – they will ruthlessly and relentlessly phish for your personal information using various methods and approaches, all just to get some personal info and hopefully gain money from their efforts.

Here is a short list of helpful info which could assist you in becoming slightly more internet aware, especially when it comes to phishing.


  1. Be wary of emails asking for confidential information – especially information of a financial nature. Legitimate organizations will never request sensitive information via email, and most banks will tell you that they won’t ask for your information unless you’re the one contacting them.
  1. Don’t get pressured into providing sensitive information. Phishers like to use scare tactics, and may threaten to disable an account or delay services until you update certain information. Be sure to contact the merchant directly to confirm the authenticity of their request.
  1. Make sure you familiarize yourself with a website’s privacy policy. The majority of commercial websites have a privacy policy, which is usually accessible at the foot of the page. The most useful thing to look for is the website’s policy on whether it will or will not sell its mailing list.  Most of the spam you receive on a daily basis – as well as potentially dangerous phishing emails – is coming to you because a site you have signed up to has sold your email address to another company. If you’re not ok with this happening, it might be worth reconsidering whether you want to sign up to the site.
  1. Watch out for generic-looking requests for information. Fraudulent emails are often not personalized, while authentic emails from your bank often reference an account you have with them. Many phishing emails begin with “Dear Sir/Madam”, and some come from a bank with which you don’t even have an account.

When It Rains It Pours

When it rains it pours.

Isn’t it funny that when you’re going through a hard time in life, it affects not just that one particular area, but others as well.  When it rains it pours…  This has bothered me for some time now, and I think I am slightly wiser on the topic!

I think it has got to do with my perspective which gets influenced by my negative emotions and negative thought processes.  Think about it.  When you’re in a bad space because of one particular incident, it affects your mood, your outlook on life, your approach towards tasks, and ultimately, your attitude. This results in an overall negative vibe in general.

Now, when something ‘bad’ happens to you, it’s not to say that 10 other ‘bad’ things will befall you; but that first negative incident has the potential to upset the apple cart  and cause your ‘train’ to derail.

On the flip-side, we hardly ever apply this same concept to positive things.

Imagine something goes your way!  You close a deal, you make a sale – something spectacular happens to you and gets you so excited and feeling very positive.  This too has the potential to influence and affect everything else that you do – which is a good thing, by the way!!  Bring on the positive vibes!

Obviously, we want to be positive, excited and have a very good attitude towards life, our work, and our general approach to all areas of our lives. I mean, who wouldn’t?  The trick in maintaining this and ensuring we have a constant flow of positive energy  can only come from a constant flow of inspiration from God.  In my own strength and ability I can only achieve a certain amount, but there is no way that I, in my own ability can maintain positive vibes 24/7, it’s just not possible.

Do you want positive energy, positive vibes and a healthy attitude to become part of your everyday life?  I suggest placing all your cares and concerns into God’s hands and allow Him to transform your stinking thinking into a healthy outlook on life.  We want to help you in this process, click on the banner below and get in touch with us!!

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