Sometimes you need a little adventure, it’s the best thing ever. Over the past week, I have been on adventure, after adventure and it’s literally been the most amazing time. Discovering new things, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. It was like being a kid again and everything was awesome for a few days.

I chopped wood to make a fire and bathed in water from the mountain. Even making a fire felt like a whole new experience.

One thing I learnt during this time is that you should never lose the mystery of things. Keep a child-like sense of wonder when you go out into the world. Breaking away and going on adventures can help you see the world in a brighter and more fun light.

Even something as simple as running on the beach or playing catch with a few friends. This holiday really reminded me about how to really enjoy life.

Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to have a little fun in the midst of your day to day routine. Even when you feel like you can’t do something (I found chopping wood a challenge), it can still be enjoyable.

Being adventurous doesn’t make you immature or mean you’re irresponsible. Being adventurous, reminds you that you can enjoy the simple things in life. Sometimes we lose the enjoyment of being alive because of stress. However, just by taking a break and trying something new you can be reminded that life is a gift and should be enjoyed not just endured.

So go out there and find the fun in your life. Be a little more adventurous, I dare you!


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