It’s amazing how one moment can remind you about a lifelong decision you made. When you’re feeling a bit out of it or feeling a bit down and something pulls you back to where you should be. God’s awesome like that.

The other day but our whole young adult’s ministry was at the beach. It may not sound like much of a big deal but when hundreds of young adults come together they are bound to cause a little bit of noise and attract a little attention.  We stood out. Especially to people who aren’t used to a community of positive individuals who just love life and people. We caused such a stir that four guys just came to hang out with us and to see what all the buzz was about.

After they showed us their rap skills, it was evident these dudes had no idea who we were and what we were about, so I started a conversation with one of them.

For some reason, something in me kept bugging me to ask about this dude’s dad. Strange I know but I did it anyway and to be honest the most surprising response came out of it.

He began to open up about how his dad is involved in crime and how he feels like everyone has labeled him according to what his father has done. He seemed a little drunk so I don’t know if it was the alcohol speaking or if he was actually being honest but it was great to talk to someone who was real.

A few moments later I decided to pray for him. The funny thing just before we started playing his other friend ran over and wanted prayer as well. We began to pray the salvation prayer with them.

I’m saying all of this to say that sometimes we think society won’t accept Jesus or even the lifestyle changes that having a relationship with Jesus sometimes means.  The truth is you never really know until you ask, sometimes it just takes one conversation.

To be honest, that moment probably had more of an affect on me than it did to them. I was reminded of people and how much people just want to be told that they are loved.

I will never stop being the Church in the wild.

God Speed.

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