Monday, February 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Brad K

Brad K

Firm Foundation


I don’t know too much about building, but for friends that have had a house built or are involved in a construction process I know that it’s a sure sign of progress when they declare proudly that the foundation has been completed.  That’s the most important part of a building because you know that there’s something to build on. Once the walls start taking shape on top of that foundation, the excitement is tangible and there’s talk of paint colours and fixtures, as the dream starts to become a reality.  It’s no more just rolls of plans and markers and pegs in the ground, it’s something to live or work in.  Jesus said this in Luke 6:47-49.


Whether a real bricks and mortar structure or the way you manage your life,   you’re not going to go far without a solid foundation.  I’ve had this concept on my mind a LOT over the last while, dealing with some challenging situations that have seen me ask God a thousand and one questions.  At first it was really scary, and I was asking those dangerously irrational questions like: “Does God even love me?” When we allow the foundations of our faith to become more like spit and newspaper than cement and bricks, we’ve regressed.   Our faith can never become a fortress with a base like that!  And so I had to change my thinking, with the Truth out of God’s Word as the base, and not my silliness and irrational questioning.  Things started to change. They had to, because Jesus said that they would!

Now the storms of life are beating against my ‘house’ and I’m still standing.  Not because I’m so great,  but because Jesus has expressed the best way to approach this thing called life and I need to listen.  As His follower, I’m working hard to do just that – follow Him!



Moriah Peters Interview


I’ve heard people say the word ‘impossible’ a lot.  Mostly, people assume things are out of their range of abilities without even trying or they judge themselves as incapable of greatness. Why is that, do you think?  I’m going to hazard a guess and say it’s because they see others fail and simply assume they would fail as well, or the ‘possible’ is too inconvenient.  Let me give you an example of this:  It’s God’s desire that we don’t engage in any sexual activity with our special someone until we are married.  It’s in the safety and sanctity of marriage where we are to have these experiences and it’s a very unpopular notion!  I get why we feel this way.  We think this is probably impossible and if everyone else is doing it, then surely it’s best to ask God for forgiveness, because we already know how He feels if we were to ask for permission!  OK, lets’ up the ante!  Let’s set that boundary back a bit further and suggest that you don’t even kiss your sweetheart until after you’ve both said ‘I do!’  The singer and songwriter,  Moriah Peters, made this decision, and she stuck to it,  for over 3 years and then finally, on that beautiful day, she and her beau shared that kiss.

Well, Moriah is more than just that kiss; although it was probably the main reason she got voted off of American Idols!  I couldn’t have been for her singing ability, because her voice is breathtaking and  her love for Christ, quite intense and almost tangible.  I had a chance to spend some time with her, so let’s listen to what else we got to talk about, besides, you know; that kiss!!

Moriah Peters

I get anxious

I get anxious.  I struggle with it a lot and sometimes, it simply gets the better of me.  Sometimes it’s work, sometimes it’s family life, and more often than I’d like to admit, it’s about money.  That’s not good.  As a believer in Jesus, that is not good at all.  You know why, don’t you?

When I was a kid, my mother would call me inside at around 6pm because it was dinner time.  I’d put up a bit of a fight because I still had a whole lot of play left inside me, but who could say no to such delicious food?  Aah, Mom-food!  Although I didn’t grow up in a wealthy home, there was always something warm to eat for dinner –  no question about it!  Warm, delicious and nutritious; thanks mom.  Was I ever anxious half way through a game of cops and robbers because maybe, when 6 o’clock rolled around, I might be called inside to be presented with an empty plate?  Of course not.

Matthew 7:9 Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread?

If I never once doubted my parents’ ability to care for me while I was growing up, why then now, as an adult who has to look after his own family, do I doubt the provision of my Parent?  I feel silly just typing this.  I feel so convicted.  When I worry, I’m telling God I don’t trust Him.  Imagine 5 year old Brad counting all the change in his piggy bank and walking to the supermarket to buy some food just in case his mom didn’t make him any dinner?  What a strange concept!  That’s sort of what I’m telling God when I worry.  I’m suggesting He can’t take care of me.  I’m telling Him that I think I could do a better job.  Do a better job than the Creator of the Universe?  Nice one, Brad!  How foolish do you look right now?!


So when I’m anxious or fearful, I’m suggesting that his title as my Father is questionable; that His position as Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14) is one with which I don’t agree and that the testimonies of God’s goodness in my life up to this point have been forgotten.  I can’t even read what I’ve just written without feeling ashamed!  I don’t feel that way at all, yet my thoughts and behavior would suggest otherwise.

This means something has to change.  That something is me.  I need an attitude adjustment and that will come from remembering my own testimonies and searching God’s Word for those of others.  And then there are those words, straight from the mouth of God, that need to remind us, redirect us, and fill us with the kind of hope that simply says: “Hey fear!  Get the hell out of here!”



1 Girl Nation interview


I don’t know anyone that would look at me and say: “Now there’s a guy that loves girl bands!”  I don’t bop to that kinda pop and for obvious reasons:  I’m nowhere near  to being part of the target market!  In fact, I probably couldn’t be further removed from the pink and the  ponytails but I do know one thing for sure: there are girl-fronted music groups out there that are doing what they do for bigger reasons than just the microphones and the photo shoots.  A group that falls into this space beautifully, is 1 Girl Nation!

Lauryn, Lindsey, Carmen, Kayli and Kelsey came together as part of a contest to fill the 5 positions, and the stories that came out of these experiences alone are worthy of their own blog!  But, as you’ll hear in a few moment’s time, the journey for the 5 ladies that make up 1 Girl Nation is all about using their incredible talents, and making Jesus famous through their music.

1Girl Nation Interview

I had the opportunity to connect with  Lindsey Ciresi on the week of the release of their debut, self-titled album.  We chatted about The Crazy Hair Tour, role models,being the chosen generation that Christ needs young people to be and…being just what the industry needs right now.  Listen here:

1Girl Nation Interview

Lights of the world


I’m fascinated by those clever world maps that depict statistics by lighting up various parts of the globe.  Two really caught my attention; the best parts of the world from which to start a backpacking journey and the ‘Tweeting hotspots’ of the world.  I can tell you one thing; the Australians have found a better way to spend their time because the lights are dim down under when it comes to their contribution to the Twitter-verse!

What if we saw a world map like the ones I’ve mentioned and every believer in Jesus lit up across it?  I wonder which part of the world would light up the brightest? And I’m not talking about someone that would tick the ‘Christian’ box in a questionnaire, I’m talking about believers that actively seek God out and passionately involve Him in their daily lives; people that bring change to their areas of influence, for Jesus’ sake.  Would we be surprised by how many or how few lights there were?  Would we be surprised by which areas of the world actually lit up the brightest?

Jesus instructed us to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).  We are supposed to make this world a better place, not by looking after our own interests only, but also caring for others.  Why would Jesus be interested in calling us ‘lights on a hill’ if we are only supposed to light up our own little worlds?  If we were to live only for ourselves, then what does it matter if we are hidden under a bushel or not? (Matthew 5:15)


It seems pretty clear to me, at least just wading through some really basic theology, that we’ve been called to be a lot more than a bunch of navel-gazers.  And the best indicator of this would be to see a map just like I’ve suggested, and hear that those areas that are the brightest lit are indeed the places on this planet where the poor are being cared for, the destitute and the desperate are finding acceptance, crime levels are at their lowest and churches are spending more time out in the communities than counting heads on a Sunday morning.

Surely this kind of  measure of the state of our world is what God uses as He ‘looks down’?  I wonder what HE sees and whether or not it makes Him smile?


Inspire me


Inspire me.  Go ahead; I double dare you!  Right now, in this head space, I really think it’s going to be tough.  I’m not trying to be difficult or rebellious; I’m really just being blatantly honest about how I feel.  You see; I spend quite a lot of time online, as part of my job and even when I’m not at work.  I love to know what’s going on in the world, in my industry and in the lives of those I care about.  I enjoy some television too in the evenings and mostly channel surf, with only 1 or 2 shows that I will purposefully head to, with an eye on the clock and my thumb on my remote. I can’t commit to watch anything specific because I’m simply uninspired by what I’m able to watch! Even the last game of football I was watching saw me comment out loud how lackadaisical my team was and proceeded to go and wash the dishes!  Can you imagine? Who does that?!  All because it was yet another thing that failed to captivate me.  I’m not sure if it’s just me or if I’m going through a phase, but c’mon, the bar’s really low, isn’t it?

I’ve been listening to some sermons on an international TV station and haven’t felt really moved; new music is struggling to break free of the shackles that seem to be holding it back from making us say ‘WOW’; there are no movies that have me on the edge of my seat, and even the weather is shocking.  Is this the longest winter EVER?!


Ok, Brad; hold on a moment.  What is happening here?  I suspect that someone out there is being blown away by some of what’s being sung, produced and preached at the moment.  Just because you aren’t having your socks knocked off might be pointing to something else completely.  Psychologists everywhere are shifting excitedly in their seats, wanting to shout out ‘You’re suffering from a case of “Negative World-View Syndrome”’ or something with a slightly better clinical title.  Perhaps.  Maybe I’m just really hard to please; or perhaps you’re all wrong, and the bar is just so low at the moment that almost anything is considered acceptable?

INSPIRE ME artwork

Think what you want to think and say what you think is best to say, but I’m sticking to my guns and I’m adamant; I am uninspired!

Angry Music


Yes, I have angry music!  What is angry music you might be asking? If you don’t mind, I’m going to answer that in a roundabout way…

Some people like to believe that every day is a sunshine and roses day and most of us are not naïve enough to think that’s true.  We know it’s not true for our lives, so then we know its not true for someone else’s, right?   So, when you hit that day where it feels like the wheels have come off of the proverbial bus, you need to deal with how you feel.  Now, this isn’t me telling you how to deal with that kind of day (no ways!) but, I have a sneaking suspicion that you, just like me, bring music into the equation.  Of that fact, I’m almost certain!


Ok, so this is how it goes with me:  I realize this is not a sunny day, emotionally speaking.  Sometimes I’m low, you know what I mean, and on another day I might be angry, or frustrated.  Now don’t act like you never feel these things!  It’s ok, we’ve been wired like this by God.  The problem is when we deal with these feelings in an inappropriate way.  Like sinning in our anger, or being dishonest, or hurting someone.  But I digress…back to the music, right?!  What music do I listen to when I’m overcome with a particular emotion?  It is almost always very heavy rock!  Very heavy.  Now finding the source of that kind of music is the key here.  For you it might be a different genre totally, but I feel the same rules apply:  let the source have the kind of content that can actually give you a helping hand out of where you are at, and I’ve listened to far too many bands that have allowed me to sink even deeper into where I’m not supposed to be anyway!  So we need people that rock out something serious but still put out the kind of lyrics that we can relate to because we’re just human.  But also the kind of music where the Holy spirit remains active and involved.  Now, let’s not think that the Holy Spirit is defeated by Rage Against the Machine, but why add extra smoke and mirrors that create even more confusion in a time where clarity is most needed?


If you want to chat to us about any of  this, or even find out what kind of music we would recommend based on what you love to listen to, then get in touch.  I maintain that music is very powerfully used by God to touch hearts but that the enemy is as able to use it to your disadvantage as well.  Take control, be uplifted and be blessed.  I’m convinced that this is the most powerful and appropriate way to use music.  The Israelites achieved victory by simply sending the musicians in first, without a single sword being swung or arrow being fired!

What is the point of the Bible?

We are supposed to learn from other people’s mistakes.  Actually, we’re supposed to learn from our own mistakes.  But do we?  When I think about the stories in the Bible, I realize that they are supposed to teach us something.  There are moral lessons, and there are spiritual truths and apart from Jesus Himself, it’s all the experiences of sinful people, trying to make it in a very confusing world.

So they made their fair share of mistakes. And we make them too, but are we just plain ol’ ridiculous for making the same mistakes the Davids, the Samsons and the Gideons have made? (Some ladies messed up too by the way!)  I’m not going to be too hard on myself or you for that matter, but are we learning the lessons that Joseph had to learn?  They’re in the Bible for more reasons than to just get the kiddies to sleep with the story of Jonah inside the big fish.  We need to know WHY Jonah was in the water in the first place and why God needed him in that fish for starters.  God’s character, his overwhelming Love and Grace and then our hopelessness amongst all of that, is too excellently illustrated page after cringe-worthy page.

So if we see so much of ourselves in the characters of the Bible and want to hide our heads in shame, it must be because we can relate and also because we must admit we’re most likely not learning the lessons we are supposed to be learning.  “Thank you again God for your Grace!”  But all cannot be lost, surely not!  If the Bible is the truth of God’s ins and outs and also too a mirror of our own sinfulness, then is it doing all it’s supposed to do?  To this question I pour out a resounding yes, because in between all of the condemnation, rings a message so true and necessary that the whole Book starts to make sense and fits into all of our lives, whether we think the Word of God is outdated or not.  It’s real life stuff that’s true for us all:  The need to see ourselves as less than perfect, but also a Way for that all to be fixed.  God wants us to see ourselves for what we really are and also to see Him for what He really is.  We have a problem called sin and he has the solution: JESUS.

So, quit beating yourself up.  Stop wallowing in the cesspool of your own pity.  Lift up your head, look into the eyes of the One that despite your inability to have learnt the Biblical lessons you feel you ought to have learned, loves you and wants to lift you up.  Allow yourself to be rescued and embrace what is by far my most favourite verse:


Don’t skip the B-Side

I know in the past I’ve waxed on lyrically about how much I love cracking open a CD case and listening to the sound of the disc spinning and that first track playing.  Yes, I love that a lot.  Sometimes I’m frustrated, though, by some filler or B-side songs that sometimes seem to fill up a full length album.  But not always.

In the past you’d spin your LP or load your cassette in the deck and enjoy the best songs, the fan faves and the radio singles and they mostly came off Side A of the record or the tape.  Then you’d turn it around and possibly feel you’re stuck with a side of fillers, or lesser known songs.  Hence the term, B-sides.  Let me not generalise, this is not true for every disc you’ll ever own, but I think we have all spent hard-earned cash  on music we don’t even like and that we simply skip over till the remote batteries run flat.

Nowadays, you don’t need to feel obligated to own those ‘fillers’ when you select the songs you want to download –  which is a real plus.  You get to fill your PC or iPod with all your sing along favourites that get maximum radio play or fill up the dance floor.

So, if you go to a gig to listen to a band you really admire, you’ll be able to sing along the whole way through the set! Cool right?  But is that what being a true musical connoisseur is all about?  Don’t you want to spend time listening closely to the lyrics of the B-sides songs, and discover a musical gem?  Where the band just gets a bit experimental, because they know it won’t be a radio single and you start to appreciate their real musicianship, their true artistry!  This seems to exclude most pop albums, but I know you get my drift.  I’m being a music snob right now, but I think there is a lot more to music then the sing along radio hits.   Some discs have a hidden track that starts to play about a minute or 2 after the final track on the disc, and I love those surprises! The first one I ever encountered was on Alanis Morrisette’s Jagged Little Pill, but it happens a lot!  Then there’s a cover version or two that sometimes comes out better than the original artists creation! I can’t imagine my life without U2’s Trip though your wires or Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage and Eclipse.  Modern fans wouldn’t download those, because they don’t know those songs.

Don’t miss out! Go looking for those musical gems, even in your current collection! No miner ever held a diamond that jumped right out of the ground and landed in his hand!


Musical Freedom

Have you ever listened to a mainstream artist that you’ve always admired but heard a lyric or 2 that’s bothered you and you’ve asked: What else is there? If you’ve ever asked that question, I’d love to help you out!   A few months ago, I spoke in a youth service at a local church, and discussed this very topic.  You see, the majority of us love many mainstream or secular artists or bands, and nothing you could say could change our minds.  I challenged the youth, not telling them to STOP LISTENING to secular stuff, I ‘m not encouraging people to be narrow minded, but I do want people to THINK!

Here’s what I shared:  You see, we love pop/rock/soul artist Bruno mars.  He’s incredibly talented.  I really like his music, and I bet you might as well.  But what do you feel when you hear these lyrics in a song like LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN:

Never had much faith in love or miracles

Never wanna put my heart on the line

But swimming in your water* is something spiritual

I’m born again every time you spend the night…

Again, I’m not telling you to set all your Pink and Bruno Mars CD’s on fire, cause that would be dumb, but having faith in God and singing along to songs that run against what you choose to believe seems spiritually counter-productive.  Don’t just say ‘OK Brad’, either; think about these things and decide where you stand.  Don’t put your head in the sand.  This has been one of my approaches:  You see,  my love of music started with my dad.  He had piles and piles of LP’s and cassettes.  He showed me how to turn on the hi-fi and how to load the cassettes or play a record and I had free reign!  I’d listen to America till the tape was stretched, Queen’s 1981 greatest hits, till I knew every word, and Van Halen’s 1984, till I could play the air synth along with Eddie Van Halen, knowing every riff! Now I have a little boy of my own and I want to offer him the same musical freedom and education.  My boxes of CD’s are waiting for his cute little hands, and what I did was go through every disc and take out every one that I know had bad language in it, or songs that would lead to all the wrong kinds of thoughts and questions.  A daunting task indeed.  I actually made a God-centered decision and got rid of all those discs.  I didn’t put them on a top shelf away from him, I got it out of our lives completely, by setting them on fire!! Extreme? Maybe.  Do I have peace about what my little guy’s going to be listening to? Yes.  Of course he’ll still hear face-melting guitar solos and unforgettable guitar riffs,  bop-dropping beats and some quiet songs about love and politics.  He needs to hear those, as I needed to.

MUSIC Lyrics

Music is an expression, but I can decide what I want to be exposed to.  That’s freedom, and I love it.  May your musical decisions be freeing, whatever you choose to believe.

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