I recently came across a website which had the strangest titles and headlines for various stories they had posted; quirky and cheesy titles to lure you to them and cause you to read.  Titles like “you’ll never guess what happened next” and “you are going to laugh when you watch the video below”.  While it might be an effective marketing tool, its getting old and it’s rather annoying I’d say.

This got me thinking… What new and exciting journey am I on today?  Could that cheesy headline be used to describe a recent event in my life which speaks of something quite phenomenal or exciting?  Now, I’m not suggesting that we make a public spectacle out of every event of our lives and make big drama out of nothing; but I am suggesting that we acknowledge the fact that we are always going to be challenged by something in this life, we will have distractions and we can either come out having conquered and holding our head up high, with an exciting story to tell, or we can be defeated and deflated, moping around in dismay, and being of no encouragement whatsoever to the next person.

Trials and difficulties are real, and I’m not saying we won’t have tough days where we feel miserable and even look it; but what we should do in those situations is try to remember that we influence those around us all the time, and our actions and reactions can either make or break the next person.

Now, just for laughs, click on the link below, “you’ll never guess what happens next”…


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