Why do we struggle with the idea or notion of being wrong?  Maybe we see being wrong: as being weak, or feeling like a failure, or regarded as inferior. The truth is, we are not perfect, we are human and I can guarantee that we all make mistakes, and that is okay. We can choose to either stay in denial, and become prideful when we don’t own our mistakes, or we can choose to learn from our mistakes. Which in turn will grow us in character, empower us, and most likely influence and inspire those around you.


  • Maybe we see being wrong as failing at something or failing someone, and owning that makes us feel disappointed in ourselves.
  • Maybe we put unrealistic expectations on ourselves, and aim for perfection, then we struggle to admit to our flaws and mistakes.


  • It humbles you.
  • It allows you to grow in character.
  • It empowers you with new ways of thinking.
  • It frees you from the need of trying to be perfect all of the time.
  • Being wrong sometimes can help to think of creative resolutions  to solve problems with others.

I used to struggle to apologize years ago. So much so, that when I did say sorry – it felt like my face was hurting as I said the words: “I’m sorry.” I so badly wanted to be right at every debate or argument, that it ended up making me short-sighted, and filled with pride. One day, my husband challenged me in this area, and asked me why I struggled to apologize. I had to actively pause for a moment, and really meditate on it for a while. Then it hit me, I feared being wrong, because it felt like I was failing at something, or failing someone. It may sound strange but it was a real fear for me.

However, I knew that I couldn’t keep living like that. The constant fight to be right all the time, was so exhausting. When I started to own up to my mistakes, it actually felt freeing. It made me feel more human, and it helped me to overcome and grow in character. Now, I say sorry without hesitation when I am in the wrong, because I know it’s not about being right all of the time, it’s about finding the truth and overcoming hurdles by acknowledging them and moving on.

Learning from our mistakes are essential for our growth. It empowers us, and encourages us to respond better by making better choices. We all make mistakes, and that is okay, do not wallow in it and let it define you in a negative light. Learn from your mistakes, move on and grow from it. You will be better for it!

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