Life sometimes gets hard and it’s a human thing to want to give up and move on. Often it’s the easier way out.

We sometimes doubt ourselves and our capabilities. We wonder why good things happen to other people. Why do “they” get everything, while I am waiting over here? Sometimes we make rash decisions that we immediately regret, because if we only held on a bit longer the outcome would have been completely different. If only we could have seen into the future…

We get stuck in a world of doubts and “if onlys” – to the point where we fail to see the bigger picture. We get caught up worrying about what life is “supposed” to look like, and forget how blessed we already are.

However, if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that we need to hold fast during the trials and periods of waiting. We need to remember that there would be no story without times of hardship. There are two simple but powerful ways to keep going:

1. Be steadfast

Never give up on the dreams and desires in your heart. It’s always easier said than done, but stay true to who you are and never let go. If you have dreams, work towards them with resolve.

2. Never lose yourself

Be true to who you are. Never let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t be – always believe in yourself and dreams. Your breakthrough could be just on the other side of your current season.

This life is yours to live. Understand that breakthrough is on its way. Whatever season you find yourself in, let your decisions be your own.


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