What do you mean I still need to make time to date my husband?

We are married, so surely that means date day everyday right? WRONG! There is this misconception that once you get married, you slowly morph into one being. Then you stop having fun with your best friend, your partner in crime, your lover, your baby’s daddy, you know, your husband!

Before getting married there seemed to be endless time for going on dates. Sometimes having five dates in one day was the norm, to having a date weekend! Time in those days of pre-marriage seemed endless, there was date after, date after date! Then you marry the man of your dreams, the years pass by, you’ve bought a house, bought cars, worked hard at growing your career, extended your family, and you have other commitments or hobbies on top of everything else. Life seems a bit full now, and has become a juggling act. This person you are married to, your partner, your lover , your best friend becomes your housemate? It’s a harsh reality for some!

Life happens! We start growing our families, which then puts greater demand on us to work harder, wake up earlier, and go to bed later. We often feel like we are being pulled in all directions all at once, that going on dates with our partners is an after thought, or not a thought at all. In the midst of when “life is happening”, and life is passing us by, we need to pause and look at creating moments that will honor our partners, that will ultimately place love and value into your significant others.


    When we place focused time aside to go out with our partners, we are actually saying; ” This time spent with you is more important that anything else right now, you are valued, you are worthy of my time. I want to still learn from you, and have focused time on just you.” When a person feels valued, they feel treasured , and loved and they start to flourish in your presence! Wouldn’t we want our partners to feel those things sincerely, and wouldn’t we want to feel those things?
    Yes, the planning of a scheduled date isn’t as spontaneous like it used to be. Maybe you need to plan around scheduling in baby sitters to help look after the kids.  Even though the quality time becomes more scheduled ,that time that has been set aside for your partner becomes a commitment and an honor. It becomes a sacred space for just the two of you , something that both of you will look forward to!
    When “life happens”, and we just roll with the motions, without giving thought to the ones we love the most, they tend to miss out, and they get our left overs whilst everybody else gets our best! Going on dates with your partner, and doing something fun together will refresh both of you! You will laugh together, share stories, dream together, experience something new together!
    When you place value on spending quality time together, you will feel closer together and emotionally connected and strong as a couple. You will handle obstacles and trying seasons together well.


Our partners are a gift from God, a special treasure that needs to be taken care of. We can’t expect our marriages to flourish, when we aren’t putting the effort and work into them. If you have been feeling disconnected to your husband or to your wife, may I encourage you to believe that God wants the best for your marriage. He wants the best for both of you. It’s not too late to press the refresh button on your marriage, it may require having an honest conversation with your partner, to the rescheduling of quality time for one another. Why not start today?

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