Growing up, how many times a day did your parents have to tell you to clean your room? Lucky for me, I was naturally a neat child so my room was always clean and put away, cupboards organised neatly.

But then I got something called a husband. He did not share my passion for the neat and organised. His motto is, “Just shove it away in a drawer somewhere.” So going on 17 years of marriage, I am sad to say that I long for the days of my neat, organised room. It’s not that I no longer like my space to be neat and organised, it’s that I’ve lost the will to fight the three other messy monsters that live in my house.

There are days where I just give up. And I don’t care that the washing needs to be folded or has been folded for four days and needs to be put away! Do you ever feel like that? So overwhelmed by the chaos that you just give up?

I think we can all agree that a cluttered space translates into a cluttered mind. I have yet to meet someone who says they prefer to work or live in a big pile of unorganised stuff.

So how do you keep a handle on your space so that you don’t end up with a cluttered mind?

  1. Start small: If your whole house is in a shambles, tackle one room at a time. Once you have one neat space behind you, you’ll be surprised how it’ll fuel you to keep going!
  2. Prevention is better than cure: I don’t always get this right, but my friend told me that they don’t go to bed unless the kitchen and living room are tidied up. Their family all spend 5 or 10 minutes before bed putting away toys, clothes, papers etc. That way, when they wake up, the house is neat and tidy and ready for any surprise visitor.

Give these a try, and let me know how it works for you!

Just like our minds can become cluttered when our work or living space is cluttered, our souls can get cluttered too.

We can get so busy doing this or running there, that we can totally overlook the best thing for our soul, which is time with Jesus. Sometimes we just have to press pause, make a cup of tea, pull out our Bible and meditate on Him for a few minutes.

Nothing clears my soul and my mind quicker than some good quality time with God. When’s the last time you had some quality time with Him?

If you want to know about having your own relationship with Jesus Christ, we would love to tell you how. Simply click on the pop up banner or link below to find out more.


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