Everyone struggles from time to time with self-control.  The ability to resist devouring that second piece of cake, or keeping your temper in check when everything seems to be working against you.

Sometimes the appropriate response to a situation is directly opposite to what we really want to do.  It’s at those times that the strength of our will power is put to the test.

 Live and learn

Anyone who has spent any time with young children, will be able to tell you what a lack of self-control looks like.  Toddlers tend to be ruled largely by their wants and emotions.  Regardless of whether something is good for them or not, if they want it, they want it.

It doesn’t matter if a toy belongs to them or not, if they think it looks like fun it’s as good as theirs.  Fortunately for their parents, and everyone else, toddlers can learn to control the impulse to take whatever they want, act on every whim, and eat as much as they please.  If little children are capable of developing greater self-control, surely adults are as well.

 The heart wants what it wants

The very idea of self-control and will-power suggests that sometimes our “self”, or our heart, will want something that it shouldn’t. Our desires may be for things that aren’t healthy, aren’t helpful, or are even dangerous or illegal.  To act on those urges will only ever lead to down a dead-end road.

Jesus, take the wheel

The Bible tells us that we should guard our heart because it determines the course that our life will take. Just like a child who wants too many sweets or to play with something dangerous, our hearts need to be kept from running after things that it shouldn’t.  While will-power is a step in the right direction, the Bible tells us that lasting self-control is a product of a relationship with Jesus. If our hearts are set on following God’s plan for our lives it is easier them to make choices and deny desires that will cause pain and destruction in our lives.

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