I think we have all been trapped at times by the lies of another voice whispering to us. You’re not enough, or you can’t do it, you need money, you need a Macbook pro, you need a iPhone. Actually here is a something just to remind you that You Can Do It, inspired by Zara Larsson, check it out here.
Even if you scared.
Don’t allow your past hurt or pain to determine your future. What your creator has called you to is great than the trials you have faced.
Be thankful.
Remind yourself to be grateful for where you are and what you have. If you allow fear to swallow you it will eat you up and you will find yourself on a downward spiral.
Be You, The World Is Waiting For You.
If you try to please everybody you will always be fighting a loosing battle. There is always going to be something that you say that someone doesn’t agree with.
Spread Your Wings, Try Again, Do It Again.
Coca Cola only sold 3 bottles of coke the first time they started selling and marketing so don’t be afraid to fail and try again. No one trusted online banking at first, so don’t sell yourself short because something didn’t work immediately.