A reoccurring conversation that comes up between moms is that we always feel like we are not doing enough for our kids, or we feel like we are messing this parenting gig up. ‘Mom guilt’ has it’s best intentions on most days sure, but on the other hand it clouds our logical reasoning and thinking, and causes us to feel like total failures.

Not so perfect Pinterest mom

We want to be the perfect “Pinterest mom”, we want to home school our children, grow organic veggies, make healthy homemade meals, have time to make DIY art projects with our children, make sure they can spell their name or write a book by four years old. But, the reality is that sometimes we don’t always have the time or the energy to do all those things for our kids.

Sometimes we feel tired, frustrated, sometimes we yell at our kids, sometimes we hide in the bathroom as a means of catching our breath and personal space, sometimes we feed our kids junk food because we don’t have the time or head space to cook. Then we feel guilty that we are not on “top form”, and not rocking at this thing called motherhood.

Does this mean that we love our children any less? Why do we place this pressure on ourselves? Why do we compare ourselves to other moms ?

Behind the scenes reality

I can guarantee you that every mom has her “not so glam” mom moments. I call them the “behind the scenes” moments – the real life moments. Sometimes we assume that other moms have it all together and that they are just rocking at this parenting gig. Their Instagram pictures of them with their kids looking perfect, picture perfect, and maybe it is perfect. But that picture doesn’t reflect their real behind the scenes moments (the sleep deprivation, the mess, the tears, the tantrums, the chaos, frustrations, their realities)

Sometimes we even feel shocked when we realise that other moms don’t have it all together, and that they too feel frustrated and like they are failing in some area too.

When you feel like you are failing – just remember:

  • Tomorrow is a new day
  • Apologise if you lost your cool
  • Try your best, and know that your best is good enough
  • Laugh more
  • Have a sisterhood to rally around you
  • Just know that your children love you regardless – you are the best mom for them
  • Just know that every other mama out there struggles

Most importantly just know that you are the best mom for your little people. All we can do is try and put our best foot forward, trust in God to give us the grace, wisdom, courage and strength as we navigate our ways through motherhood.

I totally believe that if we lean on God in this season of motherhood he will give us the joy, love and energy that we need to rock parenting.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!