Life is full of fun, mystery, heartache, joy, tears & laughter.  Often life can be confusing and miserable, uncertain and unstable.  While life is unpredictable most of the time, there are certain areas you have control over!

I have suffered the loss of a friend, the loss of a family member and the loss of a friend’s parent.  These are hardships and very difficult times you cannot avoid – we will all experience death at some stage or another.  As hard as those moments were in my life, that’s exactly all they were, just moments;moments which pass by and don’t last forever.

I have had sheer joyous moments in my life too!  My wedding day, the birth of my nephew, the successes and achievements I’ve seen others and myself enjoy!

While death and hardships are very real and happen mostly unexpectedly, I have control over my dreams!

People can disappoint you and take everything from you, but if you hold onto hope, if you hold onto your dreams, you can achieve anything!

I love to dream!  I use my imagination every day.  I imagine my life in a certain way, an improved version of it, if you will.  I picture how I’d like my house to look once I’m done renovating it, I picture my ideas and inventions and what they look like and how they’ll be manufactured and distributed, I also dream about my family and how they prosper in life.

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As a youth pastor I have counselled many young people and the thing I often find missing is the ability to dream.  When bad things happen to us we often don’t believe that we’re worthy of dreaming, worthy of having hope.

I dare you to dream today!  Use your imagination and envision a new reality for yourself.  Start small and work towards some short term dreams, once you achieve them you’ll feel so empowered and ready to expand your thinking to more challenging ones!

Only you have the power to turn your dreams into reality!  Do it now.