‘Tis the season: 

Can you believe its that time of the year, it feels like just the other day that we were making new years resolutions and soaking up the sun and for those overseas watching the ball drop or enjoying the snow for some others. We are in December and this month has a little slogan that goes with it, ‘Tis the season’ if you would like to finish that sentence off, ‘To be jolly.’

For some this can be the most joyous part of the year as we enjoy family, and break open some wrapping paper and drink a lot of eggnog, have a Turkey or for some a leg of lamb and some Tongue and don’t forget the Pumpkin Pie or Mince Pies, on the other hand for many this could be a sad time as they remember the day their dad walked out the house or a loved one died or they didn’t receive any gifts.

Made me think how can we make this season special for the less fortunate and the fortunate ones.

  1. It’s not about big gifts but the small too.

What do I mean, I mean you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars or Rands on gifts to make someone smile or feel appreciated. Sometimes it’s just a genuine and authentic little voice note or a good old pen and paper letter saying you thinking about them and wishing them a Merry Christmas.

  1. It’s not only about gifts but family/loved ones.

For many these aren’t moments of celebration but more disappointment as they walked out on their family or loved ones, or their family turned their back on them. So what can we do? We can spend time with someone, have a cup of tea with them or show them you value them by your time and remind them you cheering them on and you believe in them.

  1. It’s not only about food, gifts or family but mainly a celebration of a Saviour who abandon heaven to come down to earth.

As you journey through life you realise there are gifts that are priceless, that a price tag cannot be put onto. Some of them a wife, healing of a sickness, forgiveness or friendship. Above all the gifts and Christmas trees and Pies and good food, Christmas is actually about a Saviour who came for us, to make a broken world whole. As we celebrate Christmas this year, one of the greatest gifts extended to man, is that of salvation if you would like to find out more about this gift, go to a church near you.

May this Christmas be your finest yet, and as we celebrate and crack a few crackers and tear open some wrapping paper lets remember the least of these and also be grateful for the little or much we have.