
I carried my heavy load of washing into the kitchen to wash what seems like a never-ending pile of dirty clothes. Just then, my daughter was needing help with her homework and as I was about to utter those famous last words, “Not now, sweetie, mommy is busy,” I stopped myself. I put the washing down and went over to help my daughter.

The washing can wait. You know people so often say, “they grow up so fast” and although it’s something we know deep down, it’s hard to make that translate into our real everyday lives.

The truth is that although the washing needs to be done, there will always be more washing to do and I can always find another time to do it.

The truth is that my daughter will only be under my roof for so long and will only be interested in what I have to say for so long. So the washing can wait.

What about in your own life? I guess my washing basket can represent  many things that keep us busy and scream for our attention, but that can wait.

So the next time you are rushing around, trying to get everything done, maybe you need to just set it down and tell yourself that the washing can wait and instead:

  1. Make a cup of tea and sit at your table to read your Bible and pray: In the chaos of life, sometimes we need to just put down the things screaming for our attention and spend some time with Jesus.
  2. Call a friend or family member: It’s important to make time for the people who are important to us. A quick phone call can mean so much to our loved ones.
  3. Hold your children in your arms: With small children in the house, there is never a shortage of things to clean up. But now and then, put it down and pick them up instead. The time we have with them is so short and when they have left the house, you can have the immaculate house you are killing yourself now to have.

So the next time your washing is up to the ceiling, don’t let it overwhelm you. Make the most of every opportunity you have to love your kids, cultivate your relationship with Jesus, and remind those important to you that you were thinking of them.

The washing can wait… enjoy your life.

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