Distracted defined as:
Unable to concentrate as one’s mind is preoccupied.
Have you ever felt like there was a lot going on inside your mind which in turn made you feel a bit disconnected emotionally and mentally because your thoughts way heavily on you?
You know those normal day to day thoughts:
Deadlines -Projects due for the same week or for the same day.
Work schedules – Do you have to run a meeting, do a presentation, sit in on a meeting, take notes at the meeting, send the minutes of the meeting, and maybe read through the minutes so you don’t miss out on anything.
Family schedules – Know if your child has outings, or special dress up days for school, plan their meals for the week, doctor visits, family visits, fun family outings. Grocery shopping, menu planning for the week, and family budgeting.
The Distracted Mom
I find myself in a season, where I am desperately trying to hold on for dear life. I have projects upon projects that keep piling up, with due dates looming in the back of mind, whilst trying to balance a normal family life!
If I had to be honest with you, it feels overwhelming, and it feels exhausting. My body can’t keep up with my mind, and my mind can’t keep up with the pressures of life. My “to do” lists continue to grow, for every tick off my list, another “to do” goes back on it.
These thoughts, become anxious thoughts. When I feel anxious, I start to feel like I withdraw inside myself emotionally. I feel continually distracted, and I don’t know where to place my focus entirely.
Because of these anxious thoughts, I become a distracted mother to my son. I feel like I am there physically with him reading to him, playing cars with him, but my thoughts are pulling me in a different direction.
I am the distracted mom!
These distractions are stealing precious moments from my son, as well as from me. It burdens me because I know that time with your little ones are so precious, and you will never get them back. Therefore I intend to fight for them, to protect them, honour them and to savour them!
When my thoughts become anxious thoughts, I love how God steps in and says to me:
“Be still and know that I am God ” – Psalm 46:10
God tells me to stop, breathe, and have a moment where I can just be still, be quiet in Him. I find that when I am still in his presence, He drowns out the anxious noise with His love and with His peace.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, in prayer and in petition, with thanks giving in our hearts make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds In Jesus Christ ” – Philippians 4 -6 & 7
God says to come to him and ask him, and to ask him with a sense of gratitude in our hearts. God already knows what our needs are, He wants us to bring it to him and surrender it to him. When we do so, we give over our sense of needing to be in control of everything by letting Him be in control. When we surrender our cares and concerns to Him, He then fills us with his Peace.
Friend, if you are feeling anxious and distracted due to the overwhelming pressures of life. Just know that God wants you to live a life that is filled with His peace, His joy, and with His unconditional love. If you are wanting to know more on how to live an “anxious free” life, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.