Everybody warned me. Teenagers are a nightmare, or so I was told. Family members give their two cents and sitcoms paint the teenage years as something to dread. Well, I would like to shed some light on surviving the teenage years.
My one child is nearing the end of their teenage years while my other child is entering them. Here are some things I have found help make these years not only bearable, but fun!
Keep communication open
As your children grow, so should your communication. When they are younger, they do less talking and more listening. As they get older, you should do less talking and more listening. Create a safe space for your teenager to be able to tell you anything. There is nothing worse than your child really needing someone to talk to but can’t turn to you because you will freak out. Honesty is more valuable than perfection. Let your teenagers know that you don’t expect them to be perfect, but you do expect them to tell the truth. It’s much easier to guide your teen in their decisions if they can be open with you about what they are facing.
Keep having fun
You might think your teen thinks you are uncool because you are older and you are the parent. But don’t forget to have fun with your kids. Break the ice and find ways to be silly together. A family that laughs together, stays together. Laughing let’s your kids know that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. There is a lot of pressure on teens these days to behave well, play sports well, get good marks at school and get into a decent university. Let your home be a place of fun and laughter.
Be as firm as you are loving
Teenagers will continue to push the boundaries to see what you will allow. Stay consistent and firm. Remember, you are moulding them into an awesome asset to our society. Teach them self-discipline, give them chores to do and set a standard for them to live by. If you do that, they stand a better chance of being responsible and successful adults.
I must admit, I am really enjoying the teenage years. My son and I have great, deep conversations about life and we can be silly together. My daughter gives great advice and helps me pick out my outfits for special occasions. Each season of your child’s life can be rewarding and special. It’s all in how you look at it.
It’s not easy raising great kids, but I am found raising them in the belief and knowledge of Jesus Christ really does help. To find out more about this, click on the link below or on the pop up.