Beginning something new can always feel a little daunting and a child’s first day at school is no exception. Facing the unknown as an adult is one thing but when you’re a little person, embarking on a school career for the first time can be a huge undertaking. Fortunately there are things that the grown-ups can do that will help ease the nerves and make the transition to school life a little smoother.


Discuss what is going to happen at school, how your child is feeling and the positive aspects of entering this new season. Don’t be tempted to exaggerate the good things though, if the expectations are too high (and remain unmet), you might have a problem sending your child to school in the following days and weeks.


Chances are a new school routine will include new activities or skills. Practice doing up shoes, taking off jackets even opening drinks bottles or food boxes. If your child feels confident that they can do what is asked of them by themselves they are less likely to worry about the newness of the surroundings.


You may be surprised how tiring a day at school can be for a little person. You may find that bedtime needs to be brought forward or that your usually cheery child is more grumpy than usual as bedtime approaches. Remember to be patient with these changes and adjust as necessary. Sleep is vital if your child is going to be there best and enjoy their day.


Tears are a normal reaction to a change in routine. Don’t be surprised if day one goes like a dream and the tears only surface in the following days. Take the time to reassure your child that it’s okay to be afraid, that it will all be fine and most importantly that you will be there to collect them at the end of the day. Leaving a tearful child is never easy but nine times out of ten within five minutes of you leaving they’ll be back to their happy self.


Adding another person who needs to be dressed and out the door ready to face a full day each morning can upset even the best organised apple-cart. Do what is needed to make your morning routine as calm and easy as possible. The worst way to start any day, especially when you’re helping your child to adjust to being in a new school, is with chaos, frustration and panic!


Starting school can often be the first time a child is separated from their parents for the whole day. It can be lonely or scary but you can pray together and remind your child that Jesus will be with them and they won’t be alone.

Starting school is a big deal, not only for children but also for parents. Children pick up so quickly on the emotions of their parents so even if you’re feeling nervous on their behalf, do your best to be positive and upbeat. It’s also good to bear in mind that while some children settle quickly into this new environment others can take a little longer. Be supportive, ask questions and if in doubt talk to the teacher.