As I look back at 2013 and the highlights. During the course of the year, I have met various individuals from all walks of life. I have shared the vision for my life with a couple of those ‘phenomenal individuals’ I met along the way. Somehow my personal vision got in the hands of the wrong people. People who came across as interested and willing to assist me get the next phase of life but as time progressed I grew to understand that these individuals were scavengers who were all ready to steal and manipulate. Their endeavour was to get undue credit for the work I had put in and this reminded me of :
Looking back at the year 2013 – I get a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth. However I am grateful for all the lessons, the growth and challenges which have come my way. I feel equipped, empowered and ready to conquer the next year (2014). I have learnt that in life there are seasons and sometimes the people we trust the most will disappoint us. In the journey of life you cannot hold on to such moments. You have to recognise the lessons and then move on.
If you have faced disappointment or broken promises, do not be dismayed. Move forward holding on to the lessons learnt with your head help up high and don’t be afraid of the shame. Embrace whatever has come your way and forge ahead to new adventures…new projects. Some people might be unprincipled but some people are genuine, so don’t let the dodgy ones stop you from fulfilling your God given purpose.