Some people make loving them so easy, and it comes naturally. Whilst others make it so hard that you don’t even know where to begin. It’s not always easy to love others, especially finding ways to love difficult people, because they make it so hard, if not impossible. Especially if they are family members or co-workers that are a part of our lives in some way, shape or form. We also can’t ignore them, or pretend they do not exist, especially if we have to work them or see them often. Somehow we need to be able to coexist and function together without tearing one another apart.

Many years ago, I had to work with someone who was very hard to work with. Everyone used to tip toe around them, and feared making a mistake incase they would blow up. I knew that I had two choices:  I could either give up and quit, or try to find a way to work this difficult person. Sticking it out, and trying to find a way to make it work felt like the not so obvious choice, yet I knew it would benefit me character wise in the long run. So I stuck it out, and learnt to make it work in my trying situation, with my difficult co-worker, and truth be told we ended up working really well together and achieved a lot of success.


The following tips below really and truly help me to work with difficult people in my day to day, and I hope that it will inspire and encourage you to do the same:

PRAY FOR THEM – Now this is easier said than done, especially when difficult people drive you up the wall. However, when you do make the time to pray for them, God somehow softens your heart towards them, and He shows you how He sees them. In turn you will see them in a different light, and find the grace to love them in your day to day.

ENCOURAGE THEM – I found that when I sincerely found specific things to encourage that were personal for said difficult person, it would somehow soften them and make them feel empowered and encouraged.

SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE – Difficult people aren’t always easy to talk to. Either they blow up, get defensive or verbally attack you as a means of putting you in place, or they shut all together and aren’t open to listening to anything that you have to say. However, if you make the conscious effort to speak the truth in absolute love, the person on the receiving end will feel safe in your presence and respond accordingly.

Sometimes we forget that in certain seasons of our lives difficult people stumble across our path for a reason. Maybe it’s an opportunity to show love, grace, and compassion towards them. Like I said before, it’s easier said than done, but I can guarantee it will not only bless those in your path, it will bless you and shape your character in the long run.

Next time you find yourself face to face with a difficult person remember to: pray for them, see them as God sees them, ask God to give you the grace and compassion for them, encourage them and speak the truth in love with them! If I can do it, so can you!

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