The other day a friend and I walked around a neighbourhood that we weren’t familiar with. Let’s just say it wasn’t our “hood”. Still cool, though.

We walked along the main street of this suburb and found some really interesting shops, one being an old thrift store. It was pretty crazy to me because I didn’t know that thrift stores this cool existed in South Africa.

We walked in without hesitation and discovered the coolest army jackets, leather jackets, caps, shirts with Egyptian writing on it, old flannel shirts, shoes. Name it and we found it. It was like walking into hipster heaven.

I think by far the coolest part of the store was their LP collection – they had everything from Pink Floyd to old school hip-hop albums. We were like kids in a candy store. We left pretty satisfied even though we didn’t buy anything.

It made me think how eye-opening life can be when we decide to step out of our comfort zone. We discovered a place we could buy sick records from and also spotted a great place for clothes.

Wherever you may find yourself, don’t be afraid to step out and get a little weird. It’s in the weirdness of life where you make the best memories!