When it comes to coming up with catchy little words and phrases that spread like wildfire and capture the heart of the culture, nobody does it quite like the Americans do it. More specifically, there’s no arguing that hip hop culture has been central to shaping global pop culture for years now. From words like ‘paper’, ‘word’ and ‘fresh’ to greeting phrases like ‘what the deal’ and ‘what’s good’, it was all hip hop.


Among my favorite terms is one that seems to have stood the test of time for over a decade. It was, in a sense, always an English word but hip hop gave it new ‘street cred’. I’m talking about the word ‘hater’. In a nutshell, a hater is someone who can’t stand the success of another. What makes a hater special or different when compared to any other adversary? Well, unlike others who may keep their disdain and disapproval deep inside, haters make it openly known and demonstrate actively how much they’re opposed to your success. This opposition can manifest itself very clearly through hurtful words, backbiting, cold and calculated put-downs, slander, sabotage and more. The worst haters are probably those who smile in your face then hiss about you when you leave.

So, what’s the wisdom on how to prove haters wrong? The following is a short but useful list to consider putting into action:

1. Don’t. What do we mean when we say ‘don’t’? Simple. Don’t focus on proving haters wrong. Rather, focus on being true to your purpose and fulfilling your life’s calling. Trying to prove people wrong all the time is a tiring, worthless waste of time.

2. Come to terms with the fact that you can’t please everyone. In reality, we all have different tastes, sensitivities and (dis)likes. Sometimes, people seem to hate on you because they can’t understand you. That’s OK though.

3. Don’t stoop to the level of the hater brigade. Earlier, we talked about all the things haters will do to put others down. When hurt by the actions and words of haters, the tendency is to try and play the same game. It’s not worth it. Mark Twain is quoted as having said, “Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference”. Smart words.

4. Learn from it. This is not always an easy one but, if we think the right way, there are many things we could learn whenever we are on the receiving end of stings from others. Sometimes, the person we’re dealing with, if we peel away at it, may just be misguided or actually have some real guidance for us. There is no experience from which we can’t learn something.

5. Be convinced that you are here for a purpose. This is quite possibly the most important point. Our ability to ignore the evil that others do to us comes when we know for sure that we are here for a reason. When we know that, it won’t be easy to shake us.

Who gives meaning to your life and shows you your reason to exist? At 1Africa, we believe that purpose is found in connecting with a loving God. You can connect with him too. If you’d like to know more, click on the banner below.

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