I almost get run over by truck every day. It’s city traffic – it’s deathly. At any given point you have to look in 7 directions at the same time. One poor moment of judgement and that’s me – flattened. A pancake, of sorts.
Sometimes, while I sit in the traffic, I think what if I do die today? I know, I know! People don’t like to think about death. It’s morbid and we would rather talk about ice-cream or “it’s a sunny today, isn’t it.” I don’t think about death in a bad way, I just think, what if I was to go today, or tomorrow? Would I be happy with what I’ve achieved in my 30 years on the planet?
Would I go into death feeling a sense of accomplishment? Yes, I can honestly tell you I would. Since I can remember I’ve lived life down to the last hour. I’ve always wanted to get the most out of it, of every day and every moment. If you want to feel like you’ve lived life by 30 and the rest of your years are caramel sauce, then maybe some of these points talk to you.
Do ridiculous things
You don’t remember the times you sat at your computer creating excel spread sheets. You remember the times you did ridiculous things. I remember the time my friend called me up and convinced me to go dancing at 12am on the bridge over Cape Town. I remember the time we pretended I was a sushi reporter who went all over the world to try to get me free sushi.
What will teach me the most
Often our approach to jobs is where will I get the most pay? Well, is this really the approach you want to take for your career? What if instead, you asked the question, where will I learn the most? Learning turns into money in the long run but it also turns into a sense of accomplishment and there isn’t a price you can attached to that.
It’s easy to think I’m young, I can do what I want, I have all the time in the world. You don’t and if you spend time watching endless series re-runs and playing video games then you can’t really complain if your progress is 7 years behind your colleagues or peers. Focus will always, always work to your advantage.
Do it now
I’ll get fit when I’m a Dad. I’ll quit smoking when I’m pregnant. I’ll write a book when I have time. Yeah, right. Do it now. Go for it, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow and you don’t want to think ‘awww I wish I had’.
Find awesome people
There are lots of people in the world. Find the awesome ones, keep them near, don’t let them go and invest into those relationships. Great people don’t roll around every weekend and relationships don’t happen overnight. Relationships are great because you make them great.
Ditch the bad ones
Do a friendship purge every now and again and let go of the relationships which are not letting you be your best. You know what I mean. Those friendships which compromise who you are and pull you down.
Value the quiet moments
In the quiet moments, we find answers to things we seek in the busyness of everyday life. In the quiet moments, we find perspective, joy, patience. In the moments when you lay your head on someone’s chest, in the moment when you sit and look out over a valley, in the moment when you’ve finished a meal and you simply have nothing more to say – you will find contentment.
Count the cost
Everything has a cost – your gap year, your wedding, your nights out on the town, your time in front of the TV, your time on your phone… ask yourself, is it worth it? We tend to think we should go for whatever makes us happy but many things which make you happy in the moment cost you happiness in the long run.
Work hard
Find something that you are passionate about and don’t let it go. Put in the long nights, the re-drafting, the learning. What is the point of building a life on something average or mediocre? Graft. Get better and work hard. Yes, you don’t remember the hours of work on your deathbed but you do remember leaving something worthwhile in the world.
Know what’s enough
There is always another notch on the bench, another opportunity, more money and more fame. Know what’s enough for you, else you will spend the rest of your life looking for more and more.
Get these things right and when 30 rolls around, if it hasn’t already, you’ll find you have a beautiful full life to be thankful for.