Dealing with a change in circumstances can be hard for anyone but it can be all the more challenging when you’re just a child. As grown ups we understand that change is a normal and expected part of life. Children on the other hand thrive on consistency and a change in routine can seriously upset the apple cart.
A helping hand
It’s a commonly held belief that the ability to cope with change is something that we either are born with or aren’t. In reality, while personality types can play a role, the coping mechanisms needed to navigate change are things that can be taught and encouraged by our parents. It’s up to mom and dad to lead by example and offer assurance when needed.
Here are a few things you can do that will help your child to face a season of change in the best possible way:
- Be upfront – Giving prior warning about a change in routine or situation isn’t always possible. The unexpected can take everyone by surprise but if you are able to give advance warning about changes it gives your child more time to make the necessary adjustments. The birth of a new baby, moving house and changing schools are a few things that can be prepared for.
- Be compassionate – As parents it is easy to get frustrated when dealing with change and a child who is fearful about the transitions taking place. While some children adapt quickly, others take more time and there can be many tears and lots of drama along the way. Remember to be kind and understanding during the rough patch. Allowing your frustration to get the better of you won’t help the process and will only make things worse.
- Be consistent – When situations are changing try to keep as much of the regular routine intact as possible. It can be tempting to make lots of changes all at once but this can be overwhelming. Remind your child that just because somethings are different that doesn’t mean that everything has changed. The familiar will help your child to feel secure and safe.
- Be available – Regardless of what changes are happening in your child’s life they need to feel that you are still there for them. This means making time to talk through concerns, acknowledging that change can be scary at times and helping them to see the good in the situation. In difficult seasons sometimes the best thing you can do is be available for a hug and wipe away any tears. In the eyes of your child you are right up there with Superman (or Supergirl) and if you’re around everything is going to be okay.
A place of shelter
Feeling insecure and uncertain in times of changes is normal whatever your age and having a parent beside you to help you face the challenge head on is sometimes all you need to get you through. On many occasions the bible talks about the fact that God is a shelter from the storm, a place of refuge and stability. When we are facing changing times or uncertain periods we can find a place of strength in a relationship with Him that will give us the ability to cope with the changes coming our way.
If you are facing challenges and change in your life, or if you would like to more about the strength that comes from knowing God, please click the link below.