“The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.”

In the vision seeking or in the vision forecasting, we see a picture of what could be, then we break down that vision into taking action or making smaller steps that lead us closer towards that vision. Working towards a vision stirs a sense of excitement and expectation in our hearts!


Having vision or casting vision over our lives, gives us a sense of purpose and a strong sense of direction. When we know where we are heading in life, we will move in that direction with passion because we are driven with purpose!

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”
– Joel.A.Barker


We can have a sense of vision, purpose and direction for many different areas of our lives:

Maybe we want to be healthier, or maybe we want to grow more emotionally, to intellectually.

Maybe you envision having a healthy marriage that is strong, filled with passion, and that can endure any storm!

As a parent, maybe you envision your children doing great things with their lives as they grow up.

Maybe you envision yourself starting a business, or maybe you want to grow into a senior position.

Godly vision is vision that is birthed and inspired by God. Godly vision aligns us with his word, and it aligns us with the heart of God. It’s the kind of vision that will not only bless us, but it will bless those around us.


Because my husband and I understand the importance of having a Godly vision over our household, we understand that our day-to-day actions and decisions will impact how we move forward as a family! If I envision our son to be confident, then I need to make sure that I am dealing with my low self-esteem issues. If we envision our son to be an amazing dad and husband, then my husband needs to encompass those characteristics. If we want our son to be loving, kind and generous, then we too need to show those qualities consistently. It is not always easy, but it is something we are committed to.

Our children may not always remember the things we say, but they will remember; how we acted, behaved, to how we took action in the day-to-day. They will mimic similar behavior traits one day. Therefore as parents we need to know and understand the vision for our children so that we can break it down into actions that we live out day-to-day for our children to see.


Our children will be the next generational leaders of our country. We as their parents need to be actively aware of that, as we are raising children that will ultimately shape a nation, by how they embrace life, to how they raise a new generation of children. How exciting is that thought? We have the honour of raising world-changing individuals! With that thought, and with that kind of vision, we would need a lot of wisdom from God on how to raise our children in a way that will shape and impact their destiny!

The great news for us as parents is that we can constantly draw on God, to lead us in how we need to guide our children. We can’t be passive about parenting and just hope that our children will turn out okay. We need to know and understand the God-given vision for our children and ask God to show us how to lead our children lovingly towards it.

If you feel that you may be lacking direction and purpose, due to a lack of vision in your life. Then why not start off by seeking a personal relationship with God. If you are wanting to know more on how to go about doing this, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!