I wonder how many people, at this very moment in time, are wondering why they are even on this earth. What am I supposed to do with the time I have, and how do I get the most out of life? The worst part of having to answer a kind of question like this is that there is no uniform answer. There are concepts of life that overlap, that is true, but we are so unique in our make up, and so different with regards to our areas of influence, that there is no standard response. We all want to know we matter and that we aren’t here for some mystical reason, but a practical one. If we are here to make money, collect ‘stuff’, or hopefully make a name for ourselves, the reasons for us being here are all difficult ones. Making a good living, leaving a legacy and encouraging the next generation to have it together so they can just repeat it all, is a little bit selfish on our parents’ part, don’t you think? I mean, we didn’t ask to be born. Our parents wanted us for whatever their reasons might be and now we are here, and now have to either eek our way through life, or have it good because of them, and then struggle to make it on our own. The system is loopy. I mean, why bring more people into a world that is cruel, and where making progress is so tough many fail and most just give up. This is a messed up system! Why even be here if you are just inheriting your family’s problems, and being lowered into society’s cess pools. Do you get how so many say it’s all just pointless? Who’d want to be born just to wish to die? We all reach a point through either horrid circumstance or intelligent introspection when we again ask: What’s the point of it all? I think I need to go and get some fresh air…
We are created with purpose, and it’s not about us. Let me at least tell it like I believe it is, and I’d love to hear what you believe. I believe that I’ve been created by a God who loves me, and also loves others. We get caught up in our need to control our lives, provide for ourselves and our families and do all we can to maintain control of and manipulate everything around us, to bring reason and prideful success to our personal spaces. We all have this ability built in. It’s our default. Being what the world around us needs, takes a change of thinking (heart) and a change of action and that’s what God brings. He has each of our blueprints, and He encourages us to operate our lives according to that. Our needs; He takes care of them like He always promised He would. All we need to do is find the best and most appropriate outlet for the passion and skill that God has placed inside all of us be it it writing, encouraging, teaching, building, praying or whatever. You might even make a living doing what you are passionate about, or you might do it as a hobby, but you know what it is. Just take a moment and jot down the things you are most passionate about; the things that get you excited, and that when you do it, you feel fulfilled and other’s lives can be influenced positively. Now you’re living. You ever felt that? Doing it all to make a boat load of money and drive the biggest car, just doesn’t make sense, unless you’re convinced that life on this earth is all there is. If my 80 years on the big blue dot is it for me, I may as well make it a good one, and I’ll probably make myself feel good by helping someone in need along the way. That sounds nice. But what if our time on this planet is just the beginning of an eternity, where the decisions I make now, will matter not for just 40, 50 or 60 years, but forever and ever? What if life is about ensuring those that can’t, can be uplifted by those who can, so we all have an above average experience of life? Then it’s about ensuring my basics are covered, and for the rest, you help others get close to decent lives themselves. I’m here for you and you’re here for me, and the things that get me most excited and have me feeling most fulfilled, help you to have the best possible experience of your time here, and inspiration for the world hereafter.
Have you ever wondered if there is life after death, and what the point of all of this might be? Why not click the link below this piece, and get some help in answering these age old questions.