You can’t go wrong with a good haircut. I know this may be a bit unexpected, but when I think about the effect that a fresh haircut has on me, it’s actually incredible.

Whenever I get a new haircut it’s like I have a rediscovered confidence about me. It’s like I’m a new person. Naturally, I’m a bit of an introvert but for some reason when I get a fresh cut it’s like my personality changes – not in a bad way; it’s actually a pretty refreshing feeling.

You can never go wrong with a haircut that makes you feel good about yourself – sometimes all you need is that little extra confidence boost!

When I haven’t had a fresh in a while, it feels like my world isn’t quite right. Funny I know – but to me, keeping myself and the way I look in order is right up there with looking after my physical and  mental health.

To you it may not be a haircut, but whatever helps you boost your confidence and self-worth – do it and don’t be ashamed.

Sometimes it may cost a little something, but the reward is worth it. You can’t put a monetary value on your self-worth.

Always know there is something bigger and better within you – sometimes it could take something as simple as a fresh haircut to reveal it!


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