Whenever you sit down to watch a movie, be it an obvious romantic, or a futuristic sci-fi; somewhere in the plot you’ll discover at least one romantic relationship, or at the very least a deep friendship between two or more people.  From Hollywood to Nollywood, love is a constant theme that causes our hearts to soften and tears to roll down our cheeks.

As a teenager I remember thinking how easy falling in love was.  Just look at how Hollywood portrays it.  Guy meets girl, they fall in love, make love, become pregnant, get married – easy peasy. Except I realized that the order of events was clearly wrong and didn’t sit well with me.  I also noticed that as easy as it was to fall in love, they seemed to fall out of love.  

Now, I don’t know about you, but for me love should be permanent, a lifelong commitment between a married couple.

Here’s a sobering thought:

If you fall in love you’ll break your neck, but if you walk in love you’ll see clearly ahead.

If you long for a deep and meaningful relationship, begin walking in love first, then move onto finding that significant other.  Walking in love is a lifestyle, one where you practice peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, generosity and self-control.  When you’re walking in that kind of lifestyle you are focused on becoming a whole and complete person, rather than frantically running around looking for love in someone else, hoping they’ll fix and repair you and make you whole.

If you want to live a life that walks in love rather than falls in love, please click the banner below and contact us today!

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