Do you ever experience days where you constantly doubt yourself?

It’s like you can never make up your mind, no matter how hard you try. You just can’t seem to settle on something. From the small, insignificant choices to the big life decisions, doubt is something that is and will always be there. What matters is what you do with it.

I found myself going through a time like this a while ago. I kept doubting myself and everything I did. I’m a pretty confident guy – quiet, but confident – so it was a very unusual feeling to keep doubting myself.

I began to think of ways around all of this. It was hard at first because I began to doubt if these ways were even right, but eventually I got it down to three simple but true steps. This may seem a bit too “Christian” to you – and for those who don’t believe in God, I just want you to understand the principle behind the method for now:

I basically began a ritual where I would get up each morning, and tell myself three things: I’m called, I’m confident, and I’m a child of God. At first I felt so stupid, because there I was standing in front of my mirror talking to myself. I couldn’t even look at myself because I would start laughing or just feel so lame.

Two weeks into it, I began to feel so much more confident – to the point where my doubts were no more and I began to see clearly. It was like speaking about who I am, helped me to be who I am. It’s a crazy concept, but it hit me: my mindset determined how my day would be.

I encourage people to do the same. I have been doing this for nearly six years now – not because I’m crazy and not because I’m scared, but because I want to continually remind myself that there is no reason to doubt, or to have too little confidence. That above everything, I was made for greatness, and so are you!

If you speak it, eventually you will believe it.

God Speed.