Do you think about things too much? I do. I’ve heard that I suffer from ‘analysis paralysis’. I spend so much time planning things,thinking about things and the probability of the outcome that I take too long to actually get the task done in the first place. And them I’m still disappointed in the way it’s done! It can just get too much some times. My wife is probably the most vocal about this supposed flaw in what I imagine is an otherwise not terrible personality. Brad, don’t miss out on life. This is a real concern for me. I’m worried I miss out on seriously good stuff that’s happening right under my nose. Good things are waiting to unfurl right in front of my eyes but I’m too distracted by my worries and concerns to even notice this amazing track playing out. I’m thinking about the future and my dreams. I’m wondering if my family are pleased with my contributions and am I being the dad I need to be. I could always do better, but why has it become an obsession? Am I achieving to my potential or am I wasting years of my life? Did I do well with that presentation? Let’s analyse what I said some more, and nit pick, and feel terrible. All the while I did quite ok, and everyone has moved on, except me. I’m missing out on my own not-too-terrible life. All while I’m wondering whether I’m doing life right. What an irony; and how sad.
Don’t miss out on life. Don’t spend so much time analysing it, and suffering under the weight of the endless possibilities and twist and turns that really might never even come to pass. It’s like being the passenger in a car that’s travelling through the countryside and you stare down at your feet and miss the stunning view. What a shame.
There’s much truth in the fact that parts of life require planning, and goal setting and thought. It must. But what about the beauty of simplicity, and the thrill of the chance? I’m inspired to live a little. To just let go. My life is no accident. I’m not just a blip in some otherwise enormous cosmos. I have a reason for being here, and a purpose. I’m no accident. I also only have 1 shot at this life and if I’m going to give it over to suffering by the hands of my own need to always be perfect, I’ve lost before I’ve even started. What a shame. If my days are numbered and purposes certain, then I should just live a little. I need to watch a sunset, or wake up a bit earlier. I need to take control of this life and be intentional, before I just survive off the consequences of what life offers up; a victim, and not a pioneer, a puppet, and not a master. It’s time to give the deep thinking a break, and actually do something that will add to my album of great experiences, that right about now, is all looking a bit thin.
Do you feel that life is happening all around you and you’re being left behind, or perhaps that you can’t find your purpose, and feel the reason for being here is not something you know for sure? Why not click on the link below and see if you can discover some of those answers for yourself.