Values are principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life. Value is also the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

We all long to be valued and accepted.  We appreciate the feeling of being needed, the feeling of belonging.  Being told “job well done” after slaving away at a project for a long time is not just a kind & courteous gesture, but also something that boosts our self esteem and self worth – something that’s needed from time to time.  Now obviously we shouldn’t live from one ‘well done’ to the next, but it sure doesn’t hurt to hear those words once in a while.

Hearing words like “well done” and “good job” tell us that the person has taken the time to appreciate my contribution and acknowledges my input to be valuable, irrespective of its worth or value.  When it comes to work, it’s fairly easy to determine value and worth based on the task or project at hand, while taking into consideration all the effort, research and personal application etc.

But what about you as a person?  How is your value determined, the value of who you are, as an individual?

Value is based on so many different factors, but mostly it’s placed on you by others according to their personal preferences.  Ultimately taking their likes and dislikes, then weighing them up against you – and then score you accordingly.

This may or may not be in your favour.  Ultimately, people will either like you or dislike you, within seconds of meeting you.  Over time that perception might change, but those first impressions certainly stick for a while, at least.

Here is a quick pop quiz to get you thinking about other people’s thoughts on you VS your thoughts of you, this will help you to  determine your value:

1. How much value do I place on other people’s perspective of me?

2. How do the opinions of others affect me?

3. If I dare to be different, what’s gonna happen?

4. Do I fake it till I make it?

5. How will I survive by just being real?

If the results to the 5 questions above are shocking to you, and are nowhere near where you’d like them to be, please click on the banner below and contact us today, we’ll help you reach your goals of becoming uniquely you.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!