Imagine for a moment that there is a table in front of you with 5 different Christmas gifts, and you could choose any one of them for yourself.  Chances are you’re going to go for the one that looks most appealing to you.  There is nothing more inviting or intriguing than a well-wrapped Christmas gift! The prettier the wrapping and the tidier the ribbon, the more attractive it is.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. Well, as wise as that statement is, we do judge books by their covers anyway.  You see, assuming you chose the most beautifully wrapped gift on the table, there is no guarantee that the gift will be as pleasing to you as the wrapping…

No matter how much we cover up on the outside or put on a fake smile and act like everything is okay, the bottom line is, whatever fills your heart will flow out of your mouth through your words and that is what everyone will see.    We are more transparent than we think. More people can see through all our facades than we’d like to admit.

Every day we have the opportunity to influence those around us. What we carry on the inside will rub off and either enhance someone’s life or contaminate them.  Make sure that what you carry inside is as attractive as the exterior prettiness you portray because those around you deserve your best!

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