Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Leon Liebenberg

Leon Liebenberg

Father’s Day 2013


Last night, the brother of a friend of mine got hijacked. Not being content with just taking his stuff, they threw him off the bridge into oncoming traffic.

Needless to say, he is dead.

I only met the guy once, and he seemed nice enough. A husband and father of 2, like me. I somehow doubt their plans for Father’s Day 2013 included burying their dad.

When we heard, I swear to you, I was honestly thinking about going out there and getting Charles Bronson on anyone who looked guilty. I am angry.  I am very, very angry. Not because he was a close friend and not even because he was the brother of a friend, I’m angry because of his kids. I’m angry because it could have been me. I’m angry because the police, generally, seem unable/unwilling to do their job, and if I take it upon myself to protect me and mine, I become the criminal. And I am angry because our president (lower case “p” intentional) has the nerve to say “South Africa is safe and peaceful” after spending R200 million on upgrading the security to his homestead.

How am I, as a father, supposed to legally protect my family? Rely on the police? Please.

I will do WHATEVER it takes to protect them. If it means I go to jail, so be it. My first priority is not to the State, it’s to my wife and kids, so I’m speaking in advance to Mr Armed Intruder. Threatening my family will be a very bad career choice.

I guess at this juncture I should apologise. I know I’m being very aggressive, but I think it’s time.

If you are a father, just think about whats going on in the world. Think about what our kids have to deal with. Why would they want to be good, law abiding citizens? Why would they want to live by moral absolutes? In a society that applauds evil as “progress”, where a woman is praised for making the “brave” decision to murder her baby because it’s inconvenient to carry it full term, where legal systems make law abiding citizens criminals for defending themselves, and will spend millions to protect the rights of the criminal… Why would they even bother trying?

The recognition of gay marriage as an institution is going to change the fabric of society radically, and not in the good way. Our kids, even though they are in the majority will be dictated to by a minority, and they will be made to look like the freaks for wanting to live the way God and nature intended.

So what is the solution?

There isn’t one.

I know that sounds very negative and just a little defeatist, but it’s the truth. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are in the end times. Just look at some of the end times prophecies in the Bible:

People will become increasingly materialistic and lovers of pleasure. – 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5

The earth will be filled with violence. – LUKE 17:26; GENESIS 6:11-13

Sorceries – specifically to witchcraft, magic, and occult practices used to enchant and deceive will be in the last days. – REV 9:21; 18:23; ISAIAH 47:9-15; MICAH 5:10-15

Many will  forsake morality; blaspheming, committing adultery, disobeying parents, stealing, lying, coveting, etc. – MATTHEW 24:12; REVELATION 9:21

Sexual immorality will be rampant everywhere.- JUDE 18;REVELATION 9:21

There would be a global cry for peace – 1 THESSALONIANS 5:3)

Men will be lovers of themselves – 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-2

Men will sear their conscience so they could continue in sin – 1 TIMOTHY 4:2

Youth will become increasingly rebellious – 2 TIMOTHY 3:2-3; MARK 13:12

Marriage will be forbidden by many – 1 TIMOTHY 4:3

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.  They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.  Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.  In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. ROMANS 1:26-27

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  CORINTHIANS 6:9-10

I think you get the point.
So, as fathers, what do we do?
Well, firstly, if you don’t know Jesus, you had better get to know Him.
He gives us hope. I don’t mean hope like the World understands it. He is not an empty idol, He isn’t a Buddha, a Krishna, Evolution, Allah or anyone of the man made empty vessels of  faith.
He isn’t a “I hope my wife doesn’t realise what an idiot I am”, or  “I hope my kids don’t end up on the street selling themselves for drugs” kind of hope.   He is HOPE, a favourable and CONFIDENT expectation, who allows us to KNOW that in spite of where the world is going (and understand this, it IS going to hell in a hand basket), Jesus has our back.
That in spite of the rise in evil, we can raise our eyes and see where our HOPE comes from. He has promised that during these times, He will protect those who belong to Him.
Check these promises out for us to hold on to:

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

Jeremiah 29:11  “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”

Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

…and my personal favourite:

Proverbs 18:10  “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower;  the righteous run to it and are safe.”

So to try and sum this rant up…  As fathers, we need to hide ourselves in The Father, as the World becomes more and more corrupt, we need to become more and more righteous.  As the World becomes more tolerant of evil, we need to become more intolerant of evil.  We won’t be popular, but does that really matter?

This is your family you are fighting for.

Love people, but do not give evil an inch. When it comes to fighting evil, be ruthless, be relentless, be violent. Thats what we need to do, become spiritually violent!

When God told the Israelites  to wipe out the Midianites, every last one, man woman and child, even their animals.   We need to do that to evil.   Little baby evil, smash it on the rocks!Pregnant mommy evil? Cut it open and kill both!   Because believe me, evil is fighting tooth and nail to do that to you.

Evil doesn’t just want to take your car, it wants to throw you off the bridge and leave your kids fatherless.

And now for something completely different: Husband and father Neville D helps to lighten my mood by giving me an insight into the importance of family…




Proud White African

I am fairly new to this blogging thing.

Don’t get me wrong- I have opinions, many many opinions, so when I was told I could contribute to this platform, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

Then the problems began.

What do you write about?

I asked The Blog Master, and it said; “Write about anything you like”.

Worst answer ever…

My cousin is a copy writer for a large advertising agency in Australia. He always said, when starting to write something, write down everything that comes into your mind, then when you have gotten all the obvious stuff out the way, crumple the piece of paper up and throw it away. Now anything you come up with will be original.

So here goes:

“Smurf bird yellow cake preposition….”

This is not going so well.

Someone else once suggested that all good writers write about what they know. So, what do I know that you all may be interested in hearing about?

Then it hit me!

I know about being an African.

More specifically, a white African.

Now I realise that at this point there will be those of you who are choking on a mouthful of coffee, or staring at the screen in disbelief, so I’m going to give you a moment before I continue, because if that side-swiped you, what comes next may cause you to actually, physically, explode.

A moment passes…

I am a Proud White African.

I know much has been done by “The white man” which was wrong. Calling it evil, I feel, would not be over stating it.

But it wasn’t me.

Sure, I benefited from one of the best education systems in the world. I think South Africa’s schooling system was second only to the UK pre ’94. So when I matriculated in 1992, the world was my oyster! That was the theory anyways…

I need to change tack at this point, just for a sec.

My dad, bless his soul, was a racist pig. I loved the man, but there is no other way of putting it. It’s not like I’m saying this behind his back, I told him many, many times when he was alive. As a child, I remember realising that my dad, and a good portion of my family, knew every single person of colour. They had to have known them to be able to say those things about them, and being a child, you just kind of trust that your dad knows best. As I got older, however, doubt began to creep in, maybe he didn’t know all of “Them”, maybe he was making assumptions, and if this was true, maybe his assumptions were wrong…

Roll around high school, and I was hanging out with my “black” friends in Morning Star, a township in the middle of Durbanville, the town I live in. Ironically, this township is now some of the most valuable property in Durbanville.

Anyway, hanging out with my “black” friends in Morning Star, smoking weed and buying Black Label quarts from the shebeen.

Then the inevitable happened- the cops raided the place, and I was too legless to get away. So there I was, in the back of the “Babylon Wagon”, being carted off to Durbanville police station in my school uniform. I was convinced that I was going to be, at best, expelled, at worst, hung outside the town hall as an example for all wayward children.

My punishment was 6 “cuts” from the Sergeant on duty, with my principal, my mom, and a doctor present. The doctor was there just in case I went into shock from the pain, not something you want to hear just before the festivities begin. Being as inebriated as I was helped me get through the “event”, but no amount of alcohol could prepare me for what happened next.

When they put down the reason for the punishment on paper for me to sign, it wasn’t for being hammered during school time in my uniform. It was for violating the Group Areas Act. Apparently, hanging out with black people was more dangerous than alcohol and dagga at the age of 16.

I eventually finished school in 1992, at the age of 18.


Back to the main thing.

It wasn’t me.

My first opportunity to vote was the biggie. 1994!

Again, to be honest, my decision to vote ANC was 50% because I knew it was the only answer, but 50% because I knew my dad was going to go postal when he found out.

The joke is, I voted myself right out of a job, so to speak. I had this amazing education, but was totally unemployable. White. Male. The devil.

Oh well, we live and we learn. I haven’t voted ANC again. Personally, I think they are as bad as the Apartheid government, but that is a blog for another day.

My wife and I had dinner with friends of ours who are emigrating. Not to the Socialist Republic of Australia, or America, home of the fat, land of those once free, but to Japan!

How awesome is that? Japan! The country responsible for more weird stuff than any other!

He suggested I send my CV in. The company he is going to work for is looking for people, the pay is good, and it’s Japan! I asked him why they were leaving and he said that there is no future for white people here. He is just tired of being made to feel guilty all the time for being white.  Leave Africa to the Africans.

black and white SA flag

My wife and I discussed this, and we both came to the conclusion, we could have left ages ago. We have family all over the world, and any one of them would have helped us get over there, but we ARE Africans!

This is our home, we have Amarula flowing through our veins, and we are just as African as anyone with the surname Zuma or Malema.

As for feeling guilty? I realised most of white Africa does feel guilty. I guess I did too for a while, but you know what? I don’t anymore.

Not at all.

As a Christian, I don’t believe the children should pay for the sins of the fathers.

As a citizen, I don’t see us being able to contribute in any meaningful way if we let guilt castrate us. White South Africa has a lot to offer. We ALL need to realise this. By letting ourselves be marginalised, we contribute nothing.

We are all African

Apathy is a growing cancer among white South Africa. This belief that fighting the system is futile has to stop.

Resistance is never futile.

When we hear of something that is obviously wrong, not just in a white African context, but in a general human context, we need to do something. We need to make a noise. We need to let this country know that we have an opinion and a voice that is just as valid as anyone else’s.

I don’t mean we should burn and break things. Peaceful resistance always accomplishes more than violence.

Section 9 of the bill of rights states “…freedom from discrimination based on RACE, gender…”

I’d like to see that become more than a nice sentiment.

If that did become more than just a nice thought on paper, we would no longer be talking about White Africa and Black Africa. It would just be Africa.

The next super power of the world!


If you made it this far without spontaneously combusting – well done. And please understand the heart that this is coming from.


Proud White African.

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