I was intrigued by an episode of Supersize vs Superskinny on Discovery Channel’s TLC. With my background in exercise science and nutrition, the way people view their lives and their food and how they live in denial around these issues, has often had me wondering why we don’t really know more around these basic issues. I’m not sure if it’s only part of my world view, but I’m bombarded with ads, articles and info on a daily basis. The basics are out there and it’s plain to see. It would appear as if people are just pretending not to hear and are not too interested in changing their lives and their lifestyles and have embraced an attitude of I’ll fix it all when I’m older. Another truth which has surfaced again is that there is a desire to be skinny. This is not a new problem, it’s just that it’s getting some more mainstream attention right now and it’s big on my radar. We know that models in magazines have had their photos retouched and what we see is not really what they see when they look in the mirror, but we are as obsessed as ever, and we believe that to look like these beautiful people is the key to a happier life. Working hard on planning meals and developing the most appropriate exercise plan is a brilliant thing to do, and we should all be concerned about this, as it’s the key to good health and with that, a leaner you. Problems arise when we abandon common sense and good science and take matters into our own hands.
While watching this TV show, they have in this episode, a very candid discussion with a young lady who suffered from an eating disorder. They also spoke to her father. The dad had an excellent view of his daughter’s out of control behavior and simply didn’t understand it, and was clueless as to what he and her mother needed to do. The young lady on the other hand, had developed a hate relationship with food; and anyone, no matter how caring, was labelled the enemy. Sound, useful and life changing advice was seen as lies and the downward spiral took her to a place of physical collapse. The idea that your body actually needs good food as a fuel source is simply ignored by those wanting complete control of their bodies, and when you have a car with no fuel in it, you’ll soon be stuck on the side of the road. Your body is no different. Young Emily shared her story and it is incredibly powerful. Now she has recovered and at a normal weight to function optimally, and she is inspiring young people through her award winning blog.
This is what Emily says: “…and the more weight I lost, the fatter I felt. I would eat less and less and I still hated my body, so I just ate less and less.” A point came when she realised she had a problem. ” One morning my mom took me to the emergency room and they told me that my heart was failing and I’d only have a few days to live if I didn’t eat something. I refused to eat. All I cared about was losing more weight so that I could be thin and be perfect.” Her dad said they spoon and tube fed her all while she was swearing at them for giving her tiny bits of food to keep her alive!
What brought the change? It came when Emile realised she needed help. This is really powerful. Emily says this: “I remember the turning point of when I wanted to make a change. I went to therapy and ate what I was told to eat.” When she was in recovery, she started to inspire others there and decided to help other people. She is now studying to become a doctor to help others. What a turn around! Emily wants anyone who has an eating disorder to know that there is a way out.
If you feel like you’re letting an obsession with food or your weight rule your life and you feel like you need help, we want to be there for you and direct you to the right professionals. Contact us on the number in the graphic below. You are not alone.