EVERYONE goes to sleep after Christmas lunch. There is not a lot better than taking a break from all the presents, gorging and preparation by taking it easy and slipping into nap land. I like it, at any rate. Christmas is notorious for the amount of excess food you intake and the lack of exercise and routine.

Each year at Christmas my usually healthy family’s cupboards morph into a treasure trove of quality street, nuts and sugary treats. It’s bad. Gone are the rice cakes and hummus and carrots. Welcomed are the hazelnut truffles and full cream custard. Yes, that’s right- the kind that takes 20 minutes of sweat on the treadmill to work off. Plus, who ever eats one? Plus, someone will probably give you a bikini for Christmas and there will be lots of pool parties post Christmas where the last thing you will want to do is show off your bulges.  Last Christmas I was given the biggest Lindt chocolate I had ever seen. I swear I have probably only worked it off by now. Depressing, right?

Festive time is tough on your diet- if Aunty Beatrice has cookies at tea time and brunch, you suddenly want them too. Now that everyone has drinks after dinner and desert; you find yourself joining the eating festivities. Yip, it’s safe to say that Christmas is a stay fit and fine nightmare. Sigh, how best to get around it? Here are some fight the Christmas bulge suggestions:

Make Christmas treats treats

Even the most delicious treat stops tasting like a treat after the 7th helping. Enjoy your treats but don’t over do it.

Stock the freezer with healthy meals

You probably won’t have much time to cook, so it will be really helpful if you can whip out something healthy from the freezer in 10 minutes instead of over indulging on sugar peanuts.

Pour gravy and sauces lightly

You really don’t need 3 litres of gravy on your turkey or to cover your potatoes in cheese sauce like its a blanket. Sauce is one of those sneaky calorie land mines which everyone ignores. Keep your meals simple and light by using sauce in moderation.

Start a project

We eat more when we are bored or socialising. Take a break from all the family gathering and start putting together that album you always planned on doing, or spring cleaning your room. The project will make you less likely to get bored and over indulge. It will also give you a break from the family showdowns every now and again.

Invite everyone on a walk

If you want to have catch up convos, why not have them over a walk around the park or trip to the mall? Who says all conversations have to be around the dining room table? Keeping active will make everyone happier, healthier and less likely to argue.

Skip a meal

Ahhhh, yes I said that. Trust me, you are not going to starve to death or slow down your metabolism by skipping a meal. If you are full, you should not be eating more. Fasting is good for the body and you will appreciate your meal far more if you are actually hungry for it.

Stay hydrated

All those sugary drinks and all that talking can make anyone dehydrated. When you are dehydrated you often think that you are hungry- not so! Take your bottle of water with you homegirl or guy and take a sip regularly. Water trumps coca-cola and champers for thirst every time.

Remember looking after your body is a wise and Godly principle. You only have one chance at life on earth so be smart about it. You can say no and you can keep healthy over Christmas. Embrace the challenge, not the bulge. Let’s whip out that new bikini with confidence.

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