I don’t think I have ever known a person or heard of anyone in this world who has never needed help. The word itself, ‘help’, means different things to different people and evokes different emotions, depending on your background and experiences. Some despise the word because they associate it with a person who always asks for help but cares nothing for them; some associate asking for help with weakness and neediness; and, yet others refuse to give any help to others at all because they believe that we come into this world alone and nobody owes anyone else anything. I am a believer in the idea that, sooner or later, whether we accept it or like it or not, we all need help from somebody.

In as much as the human spirit is built to be resilient and able to conquer difficult obstacles, it’s not possible to go through life without getting some assistance. Life is just designed that way. In a sense, I see it as God’s smart way of making sure that we all recognize that we can’t make it on our own. In order to survive, the infant gets help eating from Mama; the pompous sports star gets help from his physiotherapist after a career-threatening injury; the breadwinner father gets help from his teenage son to help him set up his laptop after the company’s just told him that if he doesn’t get computer-literate, he’s out. We will always need help in one way or another and we should accept that it’s a part of life we can’t avoid.

A phrase I utter and often hear from those in trouble is “God help me”. I’ve heard it used by the most religious of people as much as by those who’ve never set foot in a church. We all come across situations in life where even people can’t do much, let alone ourselves. In those moments of agony and trial, we find ourselves, like the soccer commentators often exclaim, like that desperate team, nearing relegation and in need of divine intervention.

There’s so much more to God, though, than a mysterious force we call up when we’re in trouble and need help. When we think of Him as just that, we’re reducing Him and cheating ourselves of so much that we could enjoy. People often get upset when they feel as though they’re seen as two-dimensional and not appreciated for the entirety of who they are and can be. It’s like the girl who feels her boyfriend doesn’t appreciate her and doesn’t “see her for her”. What if it’s the same for God?

Yes, it is absolutely true that God wants to help us. Why am I so sure? Because He says so in His Word to us, the Bible. But there is so much more. If you are keen to discover and learn about what this “more” could be in your life, please click on the banner below and watch the video that comes up.

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