Have you ever had that moment when you get a great idea for an invention, or a possible line for a song, or a tugging at your heart to pursue a relationship with that someone special?  All too often, we get these moments and allow them to slip by, and push them out of our minds –  mostly because we have doubts, fears or insecurities.

But let’s imagine for a moment that there are no limits, no concerns, no fears or doubts and nothing holding us back from chasing our dreams.  How does that dream look?  For me, it’s exciting, productive and life changing.  It helps people live better lives and makes a difference wherever it goes.  But it doesn’t stop there!  It develops into something bigger and even more influential.

There is something we as adults can learn from children.  They live with imagination, without mental limitations and have care-free play time.  You will never see a 3 year old playing methodically, systematically, planned and scripted.  They play with imagination and passion, they believe in the dream of the moment.

Many adults sadly have forgotten how to dream.  We go through life wishing we could return to care-free days like children.  But I have discovered the secret to an adventurous life – I’m not talking  here about jumping off bridges and life-threatening activities.  I’m talking about daring to dream.

Using imagination, owning the moment and believing in the dream.  If I can do all of that, then I am 60% there!

Once we’ve had that moment, we need to turn imagination into reality.  An architect might have a great idea for a house or building, but he then needs to put pen to paper and actually sketch it and, from there, start building.  Only once all the necessary bases have been covered can the dream be 100% complete and become a reality.

So too we need to allow ourselves to dream, and once we have the dream, then to plot and plan so that we can develop it and then see it to completion.

The bottom line is, you’ll never know until you’ve tried.

Maybe it’s time for you to shine and rise above the fear that holds you captive?! You’ll never know until you try!

If you need help breaking free and taking a leap of faith, click the banner below!

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