There are lots of ideas about God. Some people believe God is a force or energy. Some people believe there are multiple beings who are divine. There are others who really don’t know what to think and would rather avoid the topic altogether. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about who and what God is and one of the key things about who God is, is that He’s perfect. He is complete; without flaw or fault; lacking nothing and exactly how He should be. If He wasn’t perfect He just wouldn’t be God.
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As great as God’s perfection is, it’s this attribute that so often trips up those of us who seek after Him and want to be more God-like. Let’s be honest, there are no perfect people on this earth. There are nice people, kind people, wise, brilliant, generous and compassionate people, but no perfect people. We all have weaknesses, blind spots, flaws and limitations. Some are more obvious than others. Some hide their failings a little better but they are still there. So how does an imperfect person justify their imperfections when they are trying to live like, and be true to, a perfect and faultless God?
So much to learn
Have you ever tried to master something difficult? Maybe you wanted to become a virtuoso musician or a master artist? How about a first-rate sportsperson or an expert in science, technology or mathematics? Whatever the skill or ability, you have to work at it. You have to grow and develop, become better and along the way you make mistakes, take a few steps backwards at times but you keep going. Anyone who has become great at something will tell you that the more they learn and the better they become, the more they realise there is still so much to learn, more to discover, perfect and achieve.
In progress
We will never reach the heights of completeness and perfection found in God, to do that we’d have to be God and there is only one of Him. However, we were created in His image and the only way we can ever become more like the people we were designed to be, is to become more God-like in our behaviour and our character. To become like God, we need to know what He is like and this takes time; it takes relationship. Anyone who wants to be more like God needs to realise that they are a work in progress, not perfect, not complete but always looking to learn, applying themselves and pressing on towards the goal.
If you would like to know more about how you can discover God for yourself we’d love to talk to you. Please leave a comment or click on the link.