Don't worry. Be happy.

Why am I so sad?

Maybe you’ve just asked the question.  Perhaps you recall a time when you asked it and the possibility exists that, even though you feel really great right now, that you’ll ask this in the future.  To be blatantly honest, I don’t have the answer for you.  I don’t know why you’re sad.  There are just too many variables at play here to give you a concise answer, but if you take a moment and think really hard about this, you’ll probably have an idea of what it might be.  It’s seldom just 1 thing, but a combination.  You’ll have a much keener idea of what the expression “The straw that broke the camels’ back” actually means.  To be honest, I’m also not talking about the ‘I lost a dollar’ kind of sad.  I’m talking about the kind of sad that lingers and hurts deep down inside. Weird, isn’t it that we can all relate to this.  It’s negative, but sadness is something we can all relate to.  Here comes the challenge:  What can be done now?  How do we turn our situations around?

Why am I so sad? I’m not 1 for frivolous nonsense.  Seriously, I’ve been around the block and through the mill enough times to know that pats on the back and “it’s going to be ok’s” just don’t cut it.  You want to slap people that say that because it’s not useful.  Thanks that you care but really!  You’re not really helping!  You need some time out.  You need to think.  You don’t want to talk right now, thank you.  You just want to process your emotions.  You want to regain control.  You don’t want to feel like this but you do and now you need to do something.  You don’t want to rush out of this too soon because you can’t afford to white wash this.  You need to be real with yourself.

May I interject my own thoughts with these words, because I mustn’t stay in that place.  As hypocritical as this might seem right now it will get better!  You are going to be ok and the sun will shine again.  How do I know this?  What has convinced me?  It’s hope.  Plain and simple.  It’s hope.  Not hope that tomorrow will be sunny, or that they might cancel the maths exam.  I’m talking about Hope that is sure.  Hope that gives you a crystal clear vision of the future, a future that is so bright, so positive, so sure.  So confident am I in this hope that even though I’m feeling low and defeated and desperate right now, I’m able to actually turn the light at the end of the tunnel on myself, and get up and start walking towards it.

I’m happy to walk the tunnel because true hope is built on something solid, something firm and something worth walking towards.  Perhaps I should say it like this.  My hope is built on Someone solid, Someone firm, and Someone worth walking towards.  One that has promised His ever-presence in my life.  One who is a Promise Maker and a Promise Keeper.  His Light expels the darkness.  His comfort is sufficient; His Love is all I need.

Are you sad right now?  That’s ok. Take your time, and when you’re ready, lift up your face, hold out your hand, and let Jesus lift you up.

Hope Never Fails

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