Every sportsperson or musician who has made it big in their career has had one thing in common – good coaching. Vince Lombardi said: “Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.” Human beings have a natural desire to succeed and any person who is serious about life knows that getting wisdom, advice and motivation from someone “greater” than them is of utmost importance if they are to succeed. As you journey through life, who do you look to for guidance and motivation? One of the most popular stories in the Bible is the story of David. He was one of the most powerful and influential kings who ruled in Israel and I believe it was so because he chose the wisest Man of all time to be the One to guide his steps  in everything. “I have set the Lord before me always. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8) Because God walked before David and showed him which way to go, he lived a life of success. He may have made mistakes as we all do, but he certainly was one remarkable man who left a great legacy behind. Wouldn’t you want God to walk with you and lead you as you go through life?