If God really wants to bless us and take care of us, then why are so many people not experiencing a blessed life?

Everywhere you turn, there are books and messages encouraging us that God longs to bless us, that we can live successful and meaningful lives as followers of Christ. I don’t know about you, but I have not always found that to be the case in my life and I have seen others who follow Jesus struggle to make ends meet etc. So if what we hear is true, then the question I am asking is, “Where’s my blessing?”

A well-known verse regarding this topic is found in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” And another one is Philippians 4:6-8, And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Now I certainly believe God’s Word is true so as we read these verses, my question again is, “Where’s my blessing?” Why don’t so many of us walk in the reality of these Scriptures?

Without a doubt, I know that God longs to bless us and His promises are for us all but I do think there are a couple of doors we need to unlock in order to see His promises fulfilled in our lives:

  1. Obedience is a catalyst for blessing. God longs to bless us but often there is a step of obedience we need to take in order to see that blessing become a reality. For example, God promises to pour out blessing so that we cannot contain it, IF we bring 10% of our earning to His house. He promises to bless our families and relationships IF we walk in love and forgiveness. Only you will know what that act of obedience for your life is but I encourage you to step out and allow it to be the catalyst that bring God’s blessing into your life.
  2. Receive it by faith. The Bible says to ask God for what we need but so many times, we just keep asking and begging and asking and begging and we never see our prayers answered. An awesome verse in 1 John 5:15 says that if we ask anything according to God’s will, He hears us and we have what we have asked for. So that means, if you are asking God for things that are part of His will for your life, then you already have what you asked for so now you can just thank Him for it. Keep thanking Him for it until you see it in your life.

I know this is a journey so keep following after God and believe He has great things in store for you. I am praying for you that this will resonate in your heart and that you will see God’s blessing and goodness in your life!

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