I recently went camping and was desperately trying to relax. I laid back on the grass and just looked up. I saw the beautiful blue skies and cotton wool clouds and I thought to myself, “Wow, when was the last time I just looked up?” In the hustle and bustle of life, we can get so focused on the here and now, the deadline looming, the over-flowing laundry basket, all the kids sports and activities that we can forget to take a minute and just look up.

Look up to see and remember the majesty of God.

Look up to see that what you’re obsessing about is not all there is to life.

Look up to see that the world is big and there are others around you who have needs too.

Life can get full with all its activities and demands. Do you ever feel like you are pulled in a million directions at once? Do you ever feel like pleasing your boss by staying late to work on a project means disappointing your kids who are waiting for you to come home? Do you ever feel like pleasing your family means letting down a friend who really needed to see you? Do you ever feel like pleasing someone always means disappointing another?

Well, I hope to encourage your and my heart today with this post. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK. We can’t please everyone, we can’t do everything and we can’t be everywhere and that is OK! All we CAN do, is be ourselves and do our best. Love God and love people. Start there and everything else will fall into place. And every now and then, don’t forget to look up.

  1. Look up to see the majesty of God – He loves you, He created you and the planet you live on and He is ultimately in control. Take a deep breath and just let that sink in for a moment. You are not alone. God promises to never leave us or turn His back on us.
  2. Look up to see that what you’re obsessing about is not all there is to life – a great verse in Matthew 6:26 says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” God cares about you and promises to look after you. Rest in the fact that you don’t have to do it all. Let your perspective shift as you realize how valuable you are to God.
  3. Look up to see that the world is big and there are others who have needs too – Do you know what helps when you’re feeling down? Cheer someone else up. Do you know what helps when you’re feeling discouraged? Encourage someone. Often times, giving to others the very thing we are lacking can bring joy and fulfilment in our lives.

So in the craziness of this journey of life, when it all gets a bit much, don’t forget to take a minute and just look up.

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