I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and my newsfeed was filled with pictures of people enjoying a totally different season than the one I found myself in.

For example, a beautiful, single girl was vacationing in Europe. She has a very successful career, makes lots of money, has a lot of vacation time, and no-one to spend her money on other than herself. For a minute, I thought to myself, “Wow, must be nice to stroll around Europe, visiting cafes, shopping, and being carefree.” Here I sat with kids who needed stationery for school, new school uniforms, dishes, and laundry to wash. I sometimes feel I can hardly find a minute for myself.

But then it hit me! Just as I was looking longingly at this girl enjoying her single season, there’s a very real possibility that she is longing for the season I am in. Longing for a loving husband, longing for children of her own, longing for a house filled with love and laughter and the busyness of family life.

It’s easy to look at other people’s highlight reel and long for the season they are in.  It’s so easy to not want the season you are in.

We are so funny as human beings. Have you ever noticed that children want to be teenagers; teenagers want to be adults; adults want to be younger. Single people want to be married, and some married people long to be single. The childless long for children while others wish they could get some time away. We don’t seem to be able to be content with the season of life we find ourselves in.

What about you? How are you feeling about the season of life you are in?

It’s easy to be discontent and look for greener grass on the other side of the fence. But as they say, “the grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.”

So how do you stay content with the season of life you are in?

1. Remember what life was like before you were in this season: If you are married, remember how you longed for a partner when you were single. Reflect and find the joy you had when you first entered this season.

2. Remember that seasons change: If you find yourself in a particularly challenging season of life, just remember that it won’t always stay that way. Just like you weren’t a child forever; you weren’t single forever; you weren’t in your previous job forever. Whatever it may be, things change – life changes, we change.

Make the most of the season you are in, embrace and accept it, and you will start to find the joy in it.

The next time you see someone else’s highlight reel on social media, just remember they might be longing and praying for the exact season you find yourself in. Let’s be full of gratitude for the life and blessings we do have and not worry about what we don’t have.

The best way to find fulfilment in every season of life is by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. To find out more, click on the banner below or pop up window.

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