Have you ever gotten that phone call you have been dreading? Perhaps you didn’t get the promotion, or your bond wasn’t approved, or you didn’t get accepted into university or your friend stabbed you in the back?
Over the course of our lives we will have many opportunities to be disappointed. Unfortunately, that’s just part of life. People will misunderstand you, twist your words, lie about you, lie to you and things won’t always go as you hope. It can be tough, I know. I have certainly had my fair share of disappointments.
So what do we do? If disappointment is inevitable, what can we do about it? Well, I guess I can think of a couple of things I could do…..I could cry, plot revenge, throw a fit or get bitter. OR, I can look to see what God’s Word has to say about it.
Romans 5:5, “And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”
Although there are many things I can do, the only thing that’s really helpful is turning to God’s Word. This verse tells us that pretty much the only thing that cannot disappoint us is the hope we find in Jesus Christ. He is always there and can help us navigate the disappointing seasons in our lives.
I mean, Jesus faced his own share of disappointments when He walked on the earth. People misinterpreted what He was teaching, plotted to kill him, his friend betrayed Him for some money and the very people He was trying to help, spat on Him and mocked Him. He knows exactly what our disappointment feels like and He is there to comfort us and align our perspective.
So how do you deal with disappointment?
- Turn to God in prayer – He is always there for you, ready and waiting to hear from you. Because He loves you so much, He longs to comfort you and give you fresh perspective. Tell Him how you are feeling and then let Him speak to your heart.
- Shake it off – I know it’s easier said than done but try and not let it get into your heart. When someone disappoints you, it says more about them than it does about you. You can’t control what others do and say, you can only control what you do and say. So the next time disappointment comes knocking, take a deep breath and let it wash off you. You are not what you do and you are not the sum total of what people say about you or do to you.
I am praying for you right now, that as you read this blog, your perspective will be enlightened and that God’s peace would come into your heart and mind. We’re in this together friend!
If you’d like to chat to someone about this or if you’d like to know more about the peace and hope of Jesus that never disappoints, please click on the link below or on the pop up. Keep your head up 🙂