Identity is such a huge part of who we are as individuals. It’s the reason we have the weird hairstyle, the colour makeup, multiple piercings, tatoos, ripped jeans – you get the picture. Identity seems to always start on the outside; I guess it’s ’cause that’s all people see when they look at us, right?
What about our true identity, the parts of our soul and intellect that make us unique and special? Why is it that we’re so focused on ‘looking good’ on the outside & looking the part, but we shy away from the real things in life, the very real emotional state we might be in, and more often than not, the major work that needs doing on the inside.
Are people really impressed by awesome hair, makeup, clothes, tatoos and technology VS wholesome morals, stable emotions, good values, inner strength and courage?
Who stole my identity? Did someone really steal it, or did you willingly give it away? Look, we’re always gonna find fault with our appearance, our ‘quality of life’, what we have and don’t have. What if you had an endless supply of money and had access to all the latest trends, clothing, tech etc… Would your life be complete and whole? Or would you still be empty inside, still longing, still wanting more?
If you need help finding your true identity in this very demanding world, click on the banner below and we’ll give you awesome advice to encourage you on your journey.