Do you know that being a mom has taught me things about God? Let me explain: This year is a big year for me! I’ve been married for 17 years; my son turned 16, my daughter turned 11, and I am expecting a little baby girl in a few months! I am excited for all the new season has in store but I find myself having to be reminded of what I have already learnt from being a mom because I feel like I have forgotten it all!

Being a mom has matured me, softened me, made me less selfish, and has taught me how to love in a way I never imagined. It has been the biggest blessing in my life to raise little gifts from heaven. But never did I think that being a mom would tell me things about God.

So here’s three things I have learned from being a mom:

  1. My children were not my idea, they were God’s idea: We can plan, but ultimately, God is the author of life and He has chosen these children to be mine and for me to be their mother.
  2. Sometimes you have to take one for the team: A few weeks ago, after a long day at work, I realised I had to bake cupcakes for my daughter’s class. It was honestly the last thing I felt like doing but as I was stirring the batter, I sensed God whisper into my heart, “Wendy, sometimes you have to take one for the team.” As a mother, I have to be willing to pay the price sometimes for the sake of my children.
  3. I am only a seed planter: I am responsible for planting good seeds into my kids’ lives on how to live and how to follow God. Our children are our legacy and we have the responsibility to lead them in the way they should go. But I realized some time ago I can’t control them, I can just plant them. Plant good things in them, plant them in the right environments, and leave the harvest up to God.

So what has this taught me about God?

You were God’s idea

One of my favourite scriptures is found in Psalm 139:13,16: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Because you were God’s idea you can trust his plan for your life.

Jesus took one for the team

He paid the ultimate price to set us free and bring us back into personal relationship with Him. Because He paid this great price, you can trust his love for you. 

God has planted seeds of greatness in you

Just I like I can’t control my children, God doesn’t want to control you but He does want to see the seeds He’s planted in you harvest into greatness. Because God has planted seeds in you, you can trust that there’s greatness within you.

Whether you are a mom, or have a mom, I pray that this post will encourage you and tell you more about God. To explore this further, please click on the link below or pop up banner.

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