So firstly, the video below isn’t one that we produced internally. It is a video that I came across on the net, one that really stuck out to me and made me view my worth in a new light.
Worth is defined as being the quality that renders something desirable, useful, or valuable. Now knowing what worth means, isn’t it amazing that we are all worth something. Knowing that we are all valuable and desirable, there is no price that great enough to purchase us, we are priceless.
Yet we live our lives somehow seeing ourselves as worth nothing. We have allowed people’s opinions and the media to influence the way we see ourselves. If we are worth so much, why do we see ourselves as so little?
What this video made me realize, is that no matter how much I mess up or what people think about me, my worth is still the same. Now, obviously that gets you thinking, how can that be possible. But once you realize that your worth isn’t determined by what you do or whom you associate with but rather by a God who created you in his own image. You will begin to understand why you are worth so much.
Now if God is powerful, wonderful, beautiful etc. and we are made in his image, then doesn’t that then mean that we too are powerful, wonderful and beautiful as well?
Yes it does!
So instead of spending your time worrying about other people’s opinions, rather focus on the only person whose opinion really matters, God’s.
Don’t allow yourself to become one of those people who thinks that they have messed up too much for God to love them. Remember God sees us equally, no matter who we are or what we have done. His love is unconditional.
You are worth so much, that someone was willing to die just to save you!
So embrace your worth and know that you are more valuable to God than any amount of money or object. Your worth has already been given, all you need to do is walk in it.